1-10 of 11 results

  • Video

    Code of ethics to combat violence in schools will be insufficient, says ADP

    Dominican Republic


    Noticias SIN -

    The video raises concerns about the use of the code of ethics for teachers, as this year 269 cases of sexual harassment have been registered in schools, as well as hundreds of disputes between teachers and parents of pupils. It suggests that relying solely on a code of ethics may not be sufficient, emphasizing the need for a cultural reform within the public education system. This reform should include the involvement of psychologists and counselors, in collaboration with various educational sectors, to address these issues effectively.

  • Video

    The Government of Mexico's "La Escuela es Nuestra" (School is Ours) Programme



    Gobierno de México -

    The "La Escuela es Nuestra" program was launched in 2019 as an initiative of the Federal Government in Mexico with the overall aim of improving the infrastructure and equipment of public basic education schools. The project focuses on promoting participatory management, with parents and pupils. The golas of this program are to foster citizen responsibility, prevent corruption in school budget management, and promote the values of integrity. 

  • Newspaper

    Education Ministry Will Not Penalise Fraudulent Applications



    - El País

    Last year, the ombudsman for Andalusia received 150 complaints over the enrolment process, according to the 2008 report just published. This is why he favours harsher penalties for fraudulent applications as there are no clear-cut punitive measures that set an example. However, the province's education ministry maintains that punishment is not the best response, so no sanctions will be taken.

  • Newspaper

    Federal funds siphoned off in Lower California to teachers working for the SNTE



    Antonio Heras - La Jornada

    The government of Lower California wrongfully assigned 91.5 million pesos from federal funds to cover the wages of people working for the national union of education workers (SNTE) , instead of channelling it into activities of direct benefit to schools and teachers, as laid down by the contribution fund for basic education and teacher training (FAEB).

  • Newspaper

    Admission of the Greatest Academic Fraud



    - La Nación

    Last year, the ombudsman for Andalusia received 150 complaints over the enrolment process, according to the 2008 report just published. This is why he favours harsher penalties for fraudulent applications as there are no clear-cut punitive measures that set an example. However, the province's education ministry maintains that punishment is not the best response, so no sanctions will be taken.

  • Newspaper

    Velasco Ibarra School a No-Man's-Land



    - Ultimas Noticias

    Le directeur provincial de l'éducation confirme que le principal d'une école du soir, au nord de Quito, fait l'objet d'une enquête suite à des soupçons de détournement de fonds et de harcèlement sexuel. Le principal, à la tête de l'école depuis 23 ans, a demandé aux étudiants d'acheter des uniformes et des joggings exclusivement à l'école ; en outre, il a embauché deux de ses proches en tant qu'enseignants alors que l'un d'entre eux n'avait jamais enseigné.

  • The Global corruption report 2004

    The Global Corruption Report provides an overview of the state of corruption around the world in 2004. It covers national and international developments, institutional and legal changes and activities within both the private sector and civil society...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International , 2004

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