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1-10 of 174 results

  • Civil society’s role in educational planning: Insights from Zimbabwe


    Evelyn Wadzanayi Chitiga from the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe is a firm believer in the importance of civil society’s involvement in educational planning and management. This inclusion ensures transparency, ownership, sustainability, and accountability.

  • Newspaper

    Decisive action is needed to restore the credibility of NSFAS

    South Africa


    Linda Meyer and Patrick Fish - University World News

    The existing fragmented and unaccountable structures of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) perpetuate dysfunction, corruption, and exploitation, betraying the trust of South Africa’s most vulnerable students and undermining the integrity of its higher education system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, funds intended for vulnerable populations were misappropriated.

  • Newspaper

    Scandal unfolds at University of Fort Hare: Academic integrity in question over plagiarism claims

    South Africa


    Emmanuel Abara Benson - BNN

    A Professor from the University of Fort Hare faces accusations of failing to address plagiarism in the theses of nine postgraduate students under his supervision. A confidential report revealed that he knew about the plagiarism but only advised students to 'reduce' it. This has sparked concerns about the University's commitment to academic standards and raised questions about the quality of the supervision. Despite the findings, the professor remains employed, leading to debate.

  • Video

    Corruption compromises ompromises quality of Zimbabwe's education



    Nqobile Tshili - The Chronicle

    According to the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, the widespread incidents of sextortion and academic fraud at the country's higher and tertiary learning institutions is a serious threat to the integrity of the degrees and diploma qualifications.

  • Newspaper

    Guide launched to fight sexual harassment in universities



    - Morocco World News

    The Moroccan feminist activist group Collectif 490 has unveiled a new digital guidebook designed to combat the pervasive issue of sexual harassment encountered by students at universities throughout the Nation. The guide comes in response to an alarming 2019 study by Morocco’s High Planning Commission which found that one in five women have experienced violence while studying.

  • Newspaper

    The Chadian Anti-Corruption Organisation goes to war against corruption in Chadian schools



    Tchad, Sabre Na-ideyam - TchadInfos

    The Chadian Anti-Corruption Organisation (OTAC) has launched an awareness-raising campaign to educate pupils and teachers about the importance of ethics and the fight against corruption in schools. Highlighting the importance of combating the consequences of corruption, including its influence on grades and harmful practices such as sexual favours, OTAC's national coordinator stressed the need to consider the gender dimension, encouraging the empowerment of girls and the promotion of equal opportunities.

  • Newspaper

    Organised crime may be profiting from student loan fraud worth £60m – report



    Richard Adams - The Guardian

    The National Audit Office (NAO) has revealed concerns about organized crime exploiting lax oversight in England's unregulated colleges, potentially profiting from student loan fraud amounting to £60 million. The report highlights instances of fraud and abuse at private higher education providers offering courses in collaboration with mainstream universities. Some providers allegedly enroll students with little interest in completing courses to access government-backed maintenance loans, leading to substantial financial gains through tuition fees and franchising fees.

  • Newspaper

    Minister of Education: The temple of corruption and evasion of taxpayers' money



    Le Matin -

    According to reports by the Central Office for Combating Illicit Enrichment (OCLEI) and the Office of the Auditor General (BVG), the education sector in Mali is facing revelations of financial malpractice. Average annual state subsidies to public schools amount to 49.600 billion CFA francs, but financial irregularities of more than 19.744 billion CFA francs have been revealed. Questionable practices, such as awarding subsidies to non-compliant establishments, issuing fake decrees and making irregular payments, have been exposed.

  • Newspaper

    Uganda: examination malpractice cases under investigation, school director remanded



    Henry Mugenyi - All Africa

    A recent surge in examination malpractice cases in Uganda, encompassing 25 reported incidents within the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Primary Leaving Examination (PLE), has prompted police investigations. Among these cases, 10 pertain to UCE, while 15 are associated with PLE. While some suspects have been granted police bond during ongoing inquiries, the Kisugu High School's director faces serious charges under the UNEB Act for unlawfully confining candidates and disrupting an examination.

  • Newspaper

    Tanzania vows to eliminate corruption, illicit drugs in learning institutions

    Tanzania UR


    Xinhua - News Ghana

    The Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) and the Drug Control and Enforcement Authority (DCEA) recently united to combat corruption and drug abuse in educational institutions. They signed a pact titled "Eliminate Corruption and Illicit Drugs in Schools and Higher Learning Institutions" in Dodoma. The Memorandum focuses on exchanging information to prevent these vices and aims to discourage youth involvement in corruption and drug abuse. The PCCB has established 7,000 anti-corruption clubs across schools and higher learning institutions in the country.

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