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1-10 of 23 results

  • Video

    Africa-Education: how can we combat fraud in schools



    Medi1TV Afrique -

    Experts and teachers discuss the fight against academic fraud in schools in Africa, including common corrupt practices and potential solutions. 

  • Newspaper

    Exams: teachers are the biggest cheats



    Yudaya Nangonzi & Ernest Jjingo - All Africa

    Authorities at the national examination body Uneb accused teachers of orchestrating a grand scheme in schools, that pushed pupils to cheat on the 2020 primary leaving exams. The board withheld the results of 2,220 candidates pending completion of investigations into malpractices. Cheating occurs in a number of ways, including parents, in some of the top schools being asked to commit to paying a fee in order for their children to receive good results in the primary leaving exam.

  • Newspaper

    Parents, universities are cheats: admissions registrar



    News Agency of Nigeria - University World News

    Examination fraud remains the main challenge for the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board (JAMB), especially amongst parents who constantly ask for their children to receive favorable treatment, regardless of whether they meet requirements. JAMB is also fighting corruption in higher education institutions that admit students outside of the guidelines of the Ministry of Education.

  • What we do

    Basic page

    Fighting corrupt practices in the education sector enables governments to strengthen their educational systems: a precondition for the attainment of SDG4.

  • Newspaper

    Why are South Korean politicians shaving their heads?

    Korea R


    - BBC News

    In spite of ongoing accusations of academic fraud and financial crimes against his family, a former law professor was nominated as the new justice minister. His wife, also a professor, was accused of allegedly falsifying material that would have helped their daughter enter university and obtain scholarships. In a protest against the government, opposition leaders shave their heads.

  • Newspaper

    Exam malpractice - the situation continues



    Eugene Enahoro - Daily Trust

    Exam malpractice is a highly organized "industry" between school proprietors, officials of the State Ministry of Education, officials of West African School Certificate examination, invigilators, machineries and the students themselves. According to a study, this is a result of poor implementation of examination rules, no fear of punishment, inadequate preparation for the exams, the disloyalty of examination body staff and students and parental threats. Many parents prefer to bribe the examiner rather than pay for extra lessons for their child, which may still not result in examination success.

  • Newspaper

    Top security, education official expected in exam cheating hotspots



    Ouma Wanzala & Magati Obebo - Daily Nation

    Following a high-level meeting last Friday, top officers from the police service, the Ministry of Education and the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) will be dispatched to six parts of the country to investigate reports of plans to cheat in the forthcoming national examinations. The chairman of KNEC warned principals against collecting money from parents to buy fake examination materials for their candidates.

  • Newspaper

    Eighty-two cases of offspring named as co-authors

    Korea R


    Aimee Chung - University World News

    Some 82 cases of professors listing their secondary school offspring as co-authors in academic papers have been unearthed by an investigation by South Korea’s ministry of education. According to a Korea Herald Editorial, “It is obvious why the professors included the names of their children in the papers. The merit of being co-authors of research papers gives them a good advantage in seeking to enter universities through special admissions programmes”. The discovery could lead to disciplinary action in some cases, under Korea’s strict research misconduct laws which cover author attribution of research papers.

  • Newspaper

    DfE reprimands parents for tweeting test questions



    - BBC News

    Government officials are waging a twitter battle with parents who tweet questions from national tests being taken by primary pupils in England. The Department for Education wants any information on the content of Sats papers removed as pupils take the tests at various times over two weeks. Officials have been messaging parents since Monday asking them to remove tweets revealing question details. The DfE said it wanted to clamp down on cheating.

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