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1-10 of 164 results

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism is not always easy to define or detect



    Roger J. Kreuz - The Conversation

    Students can utilize chatbots like ChatGPT to generate text, with nearly 90% admitting to doing so in one survey. However, this form of plagiarism, known as ghostwriting, is becoming more detectable as Artificial Intelligence-powered tools like Turnitin and iThenticate improve their ability to identify copied content. Some students attempt to evade detection by using text-spinning programs to paraphrase plagiarized material, but this has led to an ongoing "arms race" between cheaters and detection methods.

  • Newspaper

    Launch of a new global initiative for measuring corruption

    USA, Saudi Arabia



    The UNDP and Saudi Arabia's Nazaha launched a global initiative to measure corruption during the 10th UN Convention Against Corruption session. Spanning 2023-2027, it aims to develop evidence-based indicators with a multi-stakeholder approach, supported by Saudi Arabia. The partnership seeks to track progress, offer policy recommendations, and assist countries in achieving anti-corruption goals linked to SDG 16. It addresses data gaps identified in the Global Progress Report on SDG 16.

  • UNESCO-IIEP's 60th Anniversary Symposium explores how transparency and innovative financing benefit educational planning


    On 8-9 November 2023, the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) celebrated its 60th anniversary with a two-day symposium that brought together over 1400 experts, policymakers, planners, and representatives from UNESCO Member States both in person and online.

  • Newspaper

    Haiti: Integrity clubs launched in schools




    The Ministry of Education and the Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption (Anti-Corruption Unit) have launched "integrity clubs" at the Haitian-Canadian secondary school, also involving the Lycée National in Pétion-Ville. Each club, made up of eight members, aims to involve pupils in the fight against corruption through self-learning and civic education from an early age. School headmasters and representatives welcomed the initiative, stressing the importance of training young people to become citizens of integrity to build a new Haiti.

  • From inception to innovation: a two-decade journey in battling corruption in education


    This article was first published on the IIEP-UNESCO website.

  • Newspaper

    How to tackle global academic corruption

    UK, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Kenya, USA


    Elena Denisova-Schmidt - University World News

    In the book "Corruption in Higher Education: Global Challenges and Responses," 34 experts shed light on various corruption issues in higher education: contract cheating and outsourcing assignments; ambivalent hiring processes; fake universities that take various forms, from profit-driven schemes to students buying degrees without fulfilling obligations; corruption research involves scholars, administrators, and agencies, united against academic corruption. Future steps include integrity theory development, examining secondary education's impact, leveraging technology, avoiding social group stigmatization, and fostering global cooperation.

  • Newspaper

    Congress Democrats introduce bill to end legacy admissions



    Washington Examiner - University World News

    The Fair College Admissions for Students Act aims to end legacy admissions in universities, removing preferential treatment for applicants with ties to the school. This move is seen as an effort to create fairer college admission practices by addressing the tradition's benefit to affluent white individuals and the elite school system's reliance on such practices. The bill's introduction follows the Supreme Court's recent decision to end affirmative action, which considered race among factors in student admissions.

  • Newspaper

    The many – always deleterious – faces of credential fraud

    USA, Pakistan, Canada


    Nathan M Greenfield - University World News

    Fake Degrees and Fraudulent Credentials in Higher Education brings together contributions from authors in different fields and parts of the world, offering an overview of various aspects of academic fraud and highlighting the erosion of trust in academia and academics that systematically accompanies such cases. In the first chapter of the book on contract cheating and paper mills, we learn that the worldwide fake degree industry has grown from US$1 billion in 2015 to US$22 billion in 2022. Experts estimate that 4.7 billion people hold or have held fake diplomas.

  • Newspaper

    California colleges are flooded with 'ghost students' attempting to steal financial aid



    Madeline Garfinkle - Entrepreneur

    According to the State Chancellor's Office, 20% of applications for California community colleges are fraudulent. A radiation oncologist at UC Davis is one of the thousands who have had their identity stolen to create fraudulent student applications with the intention to steal federal aid, a practice that has resulted in an unprecedented influx of ghost students. City College of San Francisco reported 59 fraudulent students and has identified 29 ghost students who have received $22,418 to date.

  • Video

    Code of ethics to combat violence in schools will be insufficient, says ADP

    Dominican Republic


    Noticias SIN -

    Relying solely on a code of ethics for teachers may not be sufficient to combat violence, as a cultural reform within the educational system is required. This reform should include the participation of psychologists and counselors, in collaboration with various educational sectors. 

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