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1-10 of 11 results

  • Newspaper

    Indians lead in surge of plagiarism cases on UK university applications



    - The Economic Times

    The incidence of plagiarism in personal statements submitted by students for British university applications has doubled in the last two years, with India having the highest number of such cases among international applicants. According to a spokesperson from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, 7,300 applications were flagged for plagiarism in 2023, with 765 from India, compared to 3,559 flagged in 2021.

  • Newspaper

    US app to help students avoid scams and boost numbers



    Shuriah Niazi - University World News

    Many Indian students fall prey to unscrupulous middlemen and end up being admitted to fake or sub-standard universities after spending substantial amounts of money. In order to help students authenticate courses and institutions in America and prevent fraud, the United States Embassy in India is launching a specially designed app. The US app developed as a pilot project in partnership with an Indian visa and immigration consultancy firm will provide guidance from trained advisories and information on scholarships.

  • Promoting accountability through information: how open school data can help


    Six case studies from Asia and the Pacific look at how open school data can create a more transparent and accountable education system.

  • Newspaper

    Rot in education: Students suffer as corruption, politics plague the system



    Sushil Aaron - Hindustan Times

    In the season of examination results and college admissions, we are again reminded of the dismal condition of the Indian education system. The Punjab School Education Board has, in an act of benevolence, granted 30 grace marks to Class 12 students. This helped lift the state’s pass percentage from 54% to 76%. In Gujarat, the pass percentage in Class 10 dropped from 73% in 2014-15 to 63% this year — which the state education minister attributes to the installation of CCTV cameras in examination centres that have checked cheating. Many Class 10 students in Gujarat could not answer elementary questions in a retest, despite securing over 80% in the objective section of the mathematics paper.

  • Newspaper

    HRD Ministry to launch student tracking system



    Express News Service - India Express

    THE HRD Ministry is set to launch a programme next month that would probably be the world’s largest student tracking system, sources said. Shala Asmita (All School Monitoring, Individual Tracing Analysis) Yojana (SAY) aims to track the educational journey of close to 25 crore school students from Class I to Class XII across 15 lakh schools in the country. This online database will carry information about student attendance and enrolment, mid-day meal service, learning outcomes and infrastructural facilities, among other things, on one platform for both private and government schools.

  • Newspaper

    Fake US university exposes 'pay-to-stay' immigration fraud

    USA, China, India


    - BBC News

    Twenty-one people have been arrested after US authorities set up a fake university to expose immigration fraud. Officials said the accused knew that the University of Northern New Jersey did not exist, but they were unaware it was a ruse run by immigration agents. The defendants acted as brokers for more than 1,000 foreigners who sought to maintain student and work visas, prosecutors said. Most foreign nationals involved in the scheme came from China and India.

  • Newspaper

    New developments in shocking cash-for-admissions racket



    Suchitra Behal - University World News

    In an ongoing investigation into a cash-for-admissions racket, the enrolments of 1,080 students in a pre-medical course in Madhya Pradesh state in central India between 2009 and 2013 have been cancelled. The scam, initially exposed in 2013, and two recent high-profile deaths linked to it have sent shock waves across the country. Millions of rupees are believed to have changed hands in what some have described as India’s biggest-ever rigging case.

  • Newspaper

    Fears of more fraudulent universities in US

    India, USA


    Nikhila Henry - Times of India

    The allegedly tainted Tri-Valley University might not be the only US educational institution to indulge in immigration fraud. Overseas education consultants from Andhra Pradesh who have details of educational institutions in the US note that more universities have been violating immigration rules while admitting students.

  • Newspaper

    Graft mars educational goals: UN



    - Deccan Herald

    The IIEP/UNESCO report "Corrupt schools, corrupt universities: What can be done" has identified private tuition as a major source of "unethical behavior" in India, observing that it has become a major industry, consuming a considerable amount of parents' money and pupils' time. Together with private tuitions, two other major problems that face the Indian education system are the manipulation of entrance test scores and teachers absenteeism.

  • Ethics and corruption in education: an overview

    Recent surveys suggest that leakage of funds from ministries of education to schools represent more than 80 per cent of the total sums allocated for non salary expenditures in some countries; bribes and payoffs in teacher recruitment and promotion...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel


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