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1-10 of 166 results

  • Newspaper

    Educational institutions mark anti-corruption day



    Arsalan Haider - Daily Times

    A large number of universities, colleges and schools organised walks, seminars and debating competition to raise awareness among students, faculty and other staff. The Student Affairs Director at the University of Engineering and Technology (UET), speaking on the occasion of a debating competition organised to mark the day, said that zero tolerance would be shown against corruption and malpractices.

  • Six lessons learned on tackling corruption in Kosovo

    Shqipe Neziri Vela


  • Newspaper

    Controversy over false teacher diplomas revived

    South Africa


    - RFI

    In South Africa, an incident at a school in Soweto revived the debate over false teacher qualifications. This week, a former primary school teacher stabbed a director who had suspended him. The teacher was dismissed after the school discovered, following a complaint from parents, that he had lied about his qualifications and had no diploma. According to the South African Council of Educators, dozens or even hundreds of teachers lie about their qualifications.

  • New IIEP publication explores using school report cards to improve transparency


    IIEP is pleased to announce its latest publication Promoting Transparency through Information: A Global Review of School Report Cards by Xuejiao Joy Cheng and Kurt Moses from FHI 360.

  • Newspaper

    The government saves 930m/- from ghost students' pool

    Tanzania UR


    Sifa Lubasi - Tanzania Daily News via

    The government has uncovered a total of 65,198 ghost students in primary and secondary schools across the country, thus saving 931.3m ‒ which would have been allocated for the phantom students for 2016/2017 fiscal year. The Minister of State, President's Office, Regional Administration and Local Government said that out of 65,198 non-existing students, 52,783 have been framed in primary schools and 12,415 in secondary schools.

  • Newspaper

    Exam reforms can help in war on corruption



    Collins Odote - Business day

    The Kenyan Certificate of Primary Education examinations ended last week while the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations begin Monday. They both mark the culmination of a year of reforms of the systems and processes for managing those exams. While there is still a number of hurdles to cross in order to stamp out corruption entirely, the positive measures that the CS of Education has introduced will be celebrated in public when the results are announced in February, 2017.

  • Newspaper

    Government ‘extremely concerned’ over academy trust that paid CEO £82k for 15 weeks’ work



    Rachael Pells - Independant

    A leaked report has revealed “extreme” government concern after an academy trust was found to have paid its chief executive more than £82,000 for 15 weeks’ work. The investigation, which took place over June and July this year, also found that Wakefield City Academy were unable to produce the list of students receiving pupil premium payments (additional funding to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils in schools).

  • Improving transparency and accountability through public access to school data"


    Decision-makers and high-level education officials from seven countries in the region are gathering in Sydney, Australia for the start of the My School study visit. This event, organized by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Agency (ACARA) and the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), will focus on how to improve transparency and accountability in schools in the Asia-Pacific region through the use of data.

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