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1-10 of 45 results

  • Newspaper

    New health research bill might address funding, data issues



    Clemence Manyukwe - Univeristy World News

    Zimbabwe is in the process of developing new medical research legislation aimed at modernizing its approach to health research. This initiative seeks to address concerns such as outdated laws, lack of data transparency, and dependence on foreign funding. By fostering local research initiatives and collaborations between academia and industry, Zimbabwe aims to enhance its capacity for medical research and innovation, aligning with national priorities and advancing towards its Vision 2030 goals.

  • Newspaper

    University of Regina suspects 50 cases of alleged cheating by nursing students



    David Prisciak - CTV News Regina

    The University of Regina (U of R) has observed a surge in cheating cases, particularly in its Nursing Program, during final exams. Around 50 out of 1,200 nursing students are under investigation for academic integrity concerns. Factors contributing to this increase include students' unfamiliarity with exam regulations due to pandemic-related disruptions and improper use of Artificial Intelligence tools. Penalties for academic misconduct range from warnings to expulsion.

  • Left behind: corruption in education and health services in Africa

    Corruption undermines sustainable development and the fulfilment of human rights and basic needs. Regardless of where it occurs in the service delivery chain, corruption inevitably trickles down and leads to the widespread denial of access to health...

    Bergin, Jamie

    Transparency International, 2024

  • Newspaper

    Nurse practitioner from Greenburgh accused of pocketing millions in loan fraud scheme



    Jonathan Bandler - Lohud

    The US Attorney’s Office arrested a nurse practitioner on federal charges of wire fraud, financial aid fraud and aggravated identity theft. She used doctors’ pedigree information and forged signatures to certify disability diagnoses that got more than $10.5 million in loans discharged for at least 125 people. She defrauded the federal Department of Education's Total and Permanent Disability discharge program, which relieves the student loans of those who suffer from permanent physical or mental disabilities.

  • Getting to the root of corruption in education

    Adam Graycar


  • Newspaper

    Remote monitoring exams : HEC records students eye movements



    - France Info

    Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, the HEC business school has introduced an online monitoring system for exams that detects the slightest move and tracks down suspected cheaters. The National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties, seized by students from several higher education institutions, will ensure the legality of these virtual monitors.

  • Newspaper

    Remote surveillance and handwritten tests for online exams without cheating



    Pilar Rodríguez Veiga - Explica

    To guarantee the academic integrity and legitimacy of the evaluations and exams during the health crisis of COVID-19, Madrid Complutense University was able to take advantage of their existing remote digital media. To avoid fraud, the identity of students during oral exams is verified using video-conferencing tools, and access codes are personal and non-transferable. This is done under the oversight of the Computer Services department. For handwritten tests, students send a scanned handwritten text to the University Virtual Campus.

  • Newspaper

    Ex-Cleveland clinic researcher arrested, charged with wire fraud



    John Commins - Health Leaders

    The Department of Justice reports that a former Cleveland Clinic Foundation researcher has been arrested and charged with wire fraud and false claims for allegedly failing to disclose funds he received from the Chinese government while simultaneously accepting more than $3.6 million in funding from the National Institute of Health.

  • Newspaper

    Online examinations: when cheating becomes the norm



    Whally Bordas - Le Figaro étudiant

    Due to the coronavirus pandemic, most universities have decided to implement remote mid-term exams, but this is causing great difficulties for educational bodies that are unable to neutralize the great number of cheaters. From Google use to classmates who publish half of the answers on Facebook, students all over France are publicly bragging about cheating during exams.

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