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1-10 of 223 results

  • Newspaper

    Zero corruption campaign warns against systemic corruption in schools

    Sierra Leone


    Ibrahim Hashim - Sierraloaded

    Zero Corruption Campaign (ZCC), a civil society organisation that focuses on promoting integrity, accountability, and transparency in the services of public sector institutions, has warned the country’s school authorities to stop collecting money as additional fees for students pursuing their education in 2022/2023. The ZCC said such practices were tantamount to corruption and a deliberate attempt to undermine quality free school education.

  • Grievance redress mechanisms in the public sector: a literature review

    This paper is part of the background research for the Skeptic’s Guide to Open Government (2022 Edition) . Suchi Pande and Naomi Hossain developed it with guidance from the Accountability Research Center. Grievance redress mechanisms (GRMs) in the...

    Pande, Suchi, Hossain, Naomi

    Washington, D.C., Open Government Partnership, OGP, 2022

  • Accountability and citizen participation in education: IIEP contributes to CIES 2022


    During the week of 22 April, the IIEP ETICO team participated in the annual CIES conference, in order to share the latest of our work on transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education. The conference was organised in a blended format around the theme: ‘Illuminating the power of idea/lism’.

  • Video

    Open school data: what planners need to know




    In this video produced by UNESCO-IIEP, Muriel Poisson explains what open school data is and how it is evolving, as presented in the book "Open School Data: What Planners Need to Know» and shares her practical conclusions.

  • Open government, anti-corruption, and democratic lotteries in education

    Simon Pek and Jeff Kennedy


  • Video

    What is an integrity pact ?



    Transparency International -

    An integrity pact is a collaborative mechanism through which public entities, civil society and other relevant parties commit to enhance transparency and accountability in a public procurement process. Acting as an independent monitor, a civil society organization ensures that applicable regulation is respected, and corruption risks are addressed.

  • Video

    How an integrity pact help prevent corruption ?



    Transparency International -

    Public money must be protected from fraud and corruption, or we will all suffer the consequences. An integrity pact could help guarantee the quality of public services, through an agreement in which government, business and civil society commit to working together.

  • Video

    How an integrity pact protect the public interest ? Transparency International



    Transparency International -

    An integrity pact can ensure the protection of the public interest and avoid making profit for an individual in power. It means agreements where government, companies, and civil society commit to work together. An integrity pact ensures that a contract is awarded according to the law, and to the people's need.

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