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1-5 of 5 results

  • Newspaper

    Haiti: Integrity clubs launched in schools




    The Ministry of Education and the Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption (Anti-Corruption Unit) have launched "integrity clubs" at the Haitian-Canadian secondary school, also involving the Lycée National in Pétion-Ville. Each club, made up of eight members, aims to involve pupils in the fight against corruption through self-learning and civic education from an early age. School headmasters and representatives welcomed the initiative, stressing the importance of training young people to become citizens of integrity to build a new Haiti.

  • Newspaper

    The French Embassy reports a false document in circulation



    - Le Médiateur

    The French Embassy in Haiti calls for vigilance on fraud attempts related to higher-education scholarships in France. To avoid being misused, the French Embassy recommends that you refer to its website and contact Campus France if you are interested and need more information.

  • Newspaper

    Haiti Education: School principals reported to the MENFP



    Alix Laroche - Haiti Press Network

    School principals from nine regions (except the West) were summoned and questioned by key officials in the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training as a result of alleged cases of fraud revealed during the inspection of their respective institutions during official exams.

  • Newspaper

    Haiti-Education-PSUGO: MENFP tackles corruption



    Alix Laroche - Haiti Press Network

    The Minister of National Education and Vocational Training, accompanied by Directors-General and Deputy Minister, as well as the Head of the Directorate of Support for Private Education and of Partnership (DAEPP), said he was determined to fight corruption in the Free and Compulsory Universal Schooling Programme, (PSUGO).

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