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1-10 of 466 results

  • Civil society’s role in educational planning: Insights from Zimbabwe


    Evelyn Wadzanayi Chitiga from the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe is a firm believer in the importance of civil society’s involvement in educational planning and management. This inclusion ensures transparency, ownership, sustainability, and accountability.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption in schools undermines children's education

    Congo DR


    Esther Ndalafina - Radio Okapi

    Corruption affects all aspects of educational planning and management. This includes the financing of schools, the recruitment, promotion and appointment of teachers, the construction of school buildings, the purchase and distribution of equipment and textbooks, and access to university. Corruption restricts access to education at all levels, from pre-school to university. It hinders the quality of learning, with children from disadvantaged backgrounds being the main victims.

  • Newspaper

    CS Machogu takes teachers to task on 'ghost candidates'



    Lewis Nyaundi - The Standard

    Education Cabinet Secretary raised concerns about school heads potentially inflating candidate numbers for national examinations in Kenya. Similar concerns were raised during the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam, where 9,354 students registered but did not sit the exam. To curb "ghost candidates, this year KCSE registration will be done based on the data in the National Education Management Information System.

  • Newspaper

    Paying school fees through e-citizen will curb corruption



    Moses Kinyanjui - Citizen Digital

    The former Secretary General of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has welcomed the Ministry of Education's decision to ask parents to pay school fees for students in national schools via the e-Citizen platform. This new government initiative aims to improve service delivery, bring transparency and protect both students and parents. However, some are expressing concern about the practical challenges and the country's state of readiness for such a digital transition

  • Newspaper

    Corruption studies to be introduced in school curriculum



    - Pindula

    During the 10th session of the Conference of State Parties to the United Nations Convention Zimbabwe's Prosecutor-General announced plans to incorporate a curriculum focusing on corruption, ethics, and integrity into the country's education system, from Early Childhood Development to university levels. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), anti-corruption education could be in the form of extra-curricular activities in primary and secondary schools.

  • Newspaper

    Uganda: examination malpractice cases under investigation, school director remanded



    Henry Mugenyi - All Africa

    A recent surge in examination malpractice cases in Uganda, encompassing 25 reported incidents within the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Primary Leaving Examination (PLE), has prompted police investigations. Among these cases, 10 pertain to UCE, while 15 are associated with PLE. While some suspects have been granted police bond during ongoing inquiries, the Kisugu High School's director faces serious charges under the UNEB Act for unlawfully confining candidates and disrupting an examination.

  • Newspaper

    Education Ministry, ACB take corruption education to primary schools



    Leonard Masaul - Maravi Express

    The Ministry of Education plans to incorporate corruption studies into Malawi's primary school curriculum to instil values against corruption. They launched a sourcebook for teachers at Dzenza Primary School, emphasizing the importance of integrity in children and the need to resist corruption. The initiative received endorsement from the UNDP, focusing on behavior change through education. Civil society activists urge the fight against corruption, attributing economic challenges to past practices and calling for investigations into alleged corrupt activities during previous administrations.

  • Newspaper

    N'zérékoré: education stakeholders discuss the fight against corruption in schools




    Education authorities in N'Zérékoré are organizing a meeting to follow up on suspicions of embezzlement linked to the purchase of desks for Parents' Associations. The National Agency for the Fight against Corruption and Good Governance has announced the creation of a toll-free number to report cases of corruption. School officials and parent-teacher associations were sensitized to the notion of corruption and inappropriate practices. The prefect urged them to avoid manipulating associations to collect money from parents, stressing that those involved would have to answer to the law.

  • Newspaper

    How unapproved textbooks sneak into Nigeria’s education system



    - City Mirror

    The certification of textbooks by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERD) costs N300 per page, and four copies must be submitted for assessment, which occurs irregularly and can take months or years. While NERDC approval grants access to Federal Government schools, getting state-level approval requires further steps across Nigeria's 36 states. Despite these procedures, unapproved textbooks lacking ISBN numbers infiltrate schools through corruption, bypassing regulations. Efforts to tackle piracy and enforce the use of approved books remain ongoing and vital for the education system's integrity.

  • Newspaper

    Zimbabwe: Education ministry sets up complaints desks to nip 'unsavoury' practices by teachers, headmasters



    - All Africa

    The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) has established strategic command centers across the nation to address various issues plaguing schools. These include actions like dismissing students over unpaid fees, offering paid extra lessons, discriminatory enrollment practices, corporal punishment, imposing unapproved fees, and other misconduct. The MoPSE's communications and advocacy director urged stakeholders to utilize designated contacts to report any malpractices. The goal is to ensure that every school-going child receives a quality, fair, and comprehensive primary, and secondary education.

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