1-8 of 8 results

  • Cola, plágio e outras práticas acadêmicas desonestas: um estudo quantitativo-descritivo sobre o comportamento de alunos de graduação e pós-graduação da área de negócios

    As atividades fraudulentas no mundo corporativo têm sido motivo crescente de preocupação da sociedade e podem estar associadas a falhas na formação educacional dos gestores. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar o comportamento dos alunos de cursos...

    Veludo-de-Oliveira, Tânia, Oliveira, Fernando, Queiroz, Josimeire, Barrichello, Alcides


  • Le Plagiat, un enjeu pour l'intégrité des universités: le cas du Mexique

    Le secteur tertiaire est victime depuis quelques années de cas de fraude académique, et en particulier de plagiat, de plus en plus fréquents. Ces manquements à l'intégrité académique que tout étudiant se doit d'observer dans le cadre des règlements...

    Pautrat, Virginie

    Paris, Université de Paris V, 2014

  • Video

    Academic fraud, a problem to be solved



    Visión Tunera -

    Academic fraud has consequences for students and society in general. According to one professor, the subject of corruption has been a big debate for many years in Cuba, but that forms of corruption evolve as the means of change.

  • Le Plagiat étudiant

    Les médias traitent souvent du plagiat chez les écrivains, les musiciens ou les universitaires. Cette pratique concerne aussi les étudiants dont 34,5% auraient déjà recopié tout ou partie d'un texte pour le présenter comme personnel dans le cadre d...

    Guibert, Pascal, Michaut, Christophe


  • Newspaper

    To stop cheats, colleges learn their trickery



    Steve Johnson - New York Times

    The frontier in the battle to defeat student cheating may be here at the testing center of the University of Central Florida. As the eternal temptation of students to cheat has gone high-tech – not just on exams, but also by cutting and pasting from the Internet and sharing of homework online like music files – educators have responded with their own efforts to crack down.

  • Promoting academic integrity in higher education

    The purpose of the study is to identify best practice initiatives that contribute to academic integrity and reduce scholastic dishonesty in higher education. Chief academic affairs officers (CAOs) or provosts at four year public and private colleges...

    Boehm, Pamela J., Justice, Madeline, Weeks, Sandy


  • Fraud and education: the worm in the apple

    Dishonesty and chicanery are nothing new to education. What is new, perhaps, are the ways in which these imperfections permeate education credentialing and how they have flourished with the invention of new technologies and changes in consumer...

    Noah, Harold J., Eckstein, Max A.

    Lanham (Md.), Rowman & Littlefield, 2001

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