
New online course on transparency and anti-corruption

IIEP will organize a new online course on “Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education” from 21 September to 6 November 2020.

Transparency and accountability are important dimensions underpinning the realization of SDG 4 targets for inclusive, equitable and universal education. Phenomenon such as ghost schools and ghost teachers, degree mills, falsely altered admission processes, missing school grants, and textbook scarcity can reduce access to education. Increasing transparency in educational administration, finance and procurement is an investment to ensure quality service delivery. For students from poor, marginalized or disadvantaged backgrounds, such anti-corruption measures are the only insurance to guarantee their right to education.

In this context, IIEP will organize a new online course in English on “Transparency, accountability and anti-corruption measures in education” from 21 September to 6 November 2020,  to strengthen the skills of participants in assessing corruption risks and in designing adequate tools and strategies to address the lack of transparency and accountability in the education sector. During the course held in English, participants will:

  • Learn about key concepts related to transparency, accountability and corruption issues in the education sector
  • Familiarise themselves with tools to map corruption risks in various domains of educational management
  • Design policies and strategies to address such corruption risks

The course is designed for ministry staff involved in planning, statistics, budget and finance, evaluation and/or legal affairs; but also members of national statistics offices, anti-corruption commissions, inspection/audit agencies, offices of general auditors, teacher unions, universities, civil society organizations, and multilateral organizations. It will consist of three modules providing hands-on training through debates, group work, exercises, and quizzes. And, as tackling corruption requires a multi-stakeholder approach, trainees will be invited to work in-country teams and jointly elaborate a project proposal.

Participants will be awarded a certificate upon the completion of the course.

The tuition fees are USD 550 per participant.

Read more about the course here

Register for the course by clicking on the URL link

For any questions, please contact us