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Access almost 1000 references to publications and academic articles about corruption in education

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  • OECD Reviews of integrity in education: Ukraine 2017

    Education in Ukraine is marked by integrity violations from early childhood education and care through postgraduate study. In the past decade policy makers and civic organisations have made progress in addressing these challenges. However, much...



  • Morale laïque: pour un enseignement laïque de la morale: remise du rapport de la mission sur l'enseignement de la morale laïque lundi 22 avril 2013

    La mission réunie à la demande du ministre de l'éducation nationale, s'est vu confier la tâche de mener un état des lieux de l'instruction civique et morale dans les programmes scolaires, de l'école primaire au lycée, et de définir, pour tous les...

    Bergounioux, Alain, Loeffel, Laurence, Schwartz, Rémy

    Paris, Ministère de l'éducation, 2013

  • Transparency in education in Eastern Europe

    In the former communist countries, education could become the key element for combating corrupt behaviour and promoting integrity and ethics. Possible strategies include establishing clear and transparent systems of budgeting, auditing, examination...

    Pliksnys, Arunas, Kopnicka, Sylvia, Hrynevych, Lilya, Palicarsky, Constantine

    Paris, UNESCO, 2009

  • Corrupt schools, corrupt universities: what can be done?

    Rigged calls for tender, embezzlement of funds, illegal registration fees, academic fraud - there is no lack of empirical data illustrating the diverse forms that corruption can take in the education sector. Surveys suggest that fund leakage from...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, UNESCO, 2007

  • Escolas corruptas, universidades corruptas: o que fazer? Resumo executivo

    Este livro apresenta as conclusões da pesquisa conduzida pelo IIPE no campo da ética e da corrupção em educação. Tem como base todas as atividades realizadas com marco de referência incluindo uma oficina preparatória, visitas de estudo, seminário...

    Hallak, Jacques, Poisson, Muriel

    Brasilia, UNESCO, 2007

  • Why is procurement important? (Factsheet)

    In the 1990s corruption was rampant in the Department of Education in the Philippines. The department was unable to deliver the most basic services to its 18 million public school students. Unqualified bidders were over-pricing their school text...

    OECD. Development Assistance Committee

    Paris, OECD, 2006

  • Report card survey on the textbook crisis of the secondary school students

    A current crisis in the publication of textbooks for secondary school level education reflects what happens often in the education sector in Bangladesh. Only one publishing house was designated the task of publishing textbooks for the secondary...

    Transparency International (Bangladesh)

    Dhaka, Transparency International Bangladesh , 2001

  • Tackling corruption: school education and public awareness

    This paper highlights how the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the ICAC for short, tackles corruption in Hong Kong through its school education programme. This comprehensive programme contributes significantly to the increase in public...

    Chui, Catherine

    Hong Kong, ICAC, 2000

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