In the media

In the media

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1-4 of 4 results

  • Newspaper

    DepEd urged to ‘take accountability’ on laptop corruption issue



    Merlina Hernando-Malipot - Manila Bulletin

    The Department of Education (DepEd) was asked to take accountability and corruption cases that led to the alleged fire sale of laptops in retail and online stores. The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Philippines said that DepEd failed to pay its contractor in the handling and distribution of billions of pesos worth of laptops to public schools which caused the subcontractors to sell the items to surplus shops to recover their investments. ACT called for a comprehensive report on how DepEd used its funds as well as a concrete plan on how public funds can be recovered, and projects still be realized.

  • Video

    Anti-corruption education in curriculum pushed



    PTV -

    PTV journalists report on how members of house representatives in the Philippines sought for the institutionalization of anti-corruption and governance measures by including it in the basic academic curriculum.

  • Newspaper

    Teaching kids young in fighting corruption



    - Bayanihan

    The Department of Education has organized a campaign to urged parents of public and private school students to join the government in its fight against corruption. The department has launched a new Graft and Corruption Prevention Education Teaching Exemplars (GCPETE) which will be used by public school teachers to integrate anti-graft and corruption lessons in values education for elementary and schools.

  • Newspaper

    Expenditure tracking surveys can fight corruption



    Dennis Arroyo - MQ7Money

    Hace unos años, la corrupción en la educación pública era tan acusada que la ratio era de un libro de texto por cada cuatro niños. Hoy en día se están llevando a cabo varias reformas y agrupaciones municipales está siguiendo muy de cerca los manuales escolares.

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