1-4 of 4 results

  • Newspaper

    Istanbul University student faces discipline for AI-assisted exam cheating, stirs controversy



    Safak Costu - BNN

    A senior law student at Istanbul Bilgi University faced disciplinary action for allegedly using AI, ChatGPT to cheat on an exam. The student’s legal battle ended in suspension, causing financial and emotional distress. The case highlights the challenges of AI in maintaining academic integrity and the need for clearer policies.

  • Newspaper

    The software says my student cheated using AI. They say they’re innocent. Who do I believe?



    Robert Topinka - The Guardian

    As the excitement around ChatGPT soared in spring 2023, concerns arose among educators about students potentially relying too much on AI for their assignments. Universities responded by implementing AI detection software, like Turnitin, to identify AI-generated content. However, this led to dilemmas for instructors, particularly when a talented student's essay was flagged as "100% AI-generated." The student claimed innocence, citing the use of university-approved software for grammar and spelling checks, which included limited generative AI capabilities.

  • Video

    UAE cracks down in cheating



    Georgia Tolley - The Agenda

    Students who cheat in exams could now face fines of up to AED200,000.

  • Newspaper

    Compilatio: Use of ChatGPT greatly overestimated by teachers



    Campus matin - Campus matin

    One year after ChatGPT became widely available to the general public, the Le Sphinx Institute conducted a national survey on "AI in education" in partnership with Compilatio, which provides higher education establishments with anti-plagiarism and AI usage detection software. More than 5,600 teachers and students reported on their use of AI and their concerns.

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