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1-10 of 32 results

  • Newspaper

    Pandor vows to act on university racism report

    South Africa


    Sue Blaine - All Africa

    The committee set up in March last year by the Education Minister to investigate racism and sexism in higher education has revealed that discrimination was pervasive despite all the good policies generated by the institutions. The committee believes that the racism persists in higher education mostly because of the weakness of the institutions' information dissemination: it recommended the creation of a transformation compact which will help to oversight the institutions to sensitize staff to the different needs of students from various cultural and economic backgrounds.

  • Newspaper

    Class 8-9 students caught answering under-graduate exam



    - Gaea Times

    Education found that students of Class 8 and 9 were answering question papers at an under-graduate exam in Azamgarh district with the help of invigilators. The investigators have also known that the students have taken money from the original aspirants who had paid them to get the paper solved.

  • Newspaper

    Student led anti-corruption campaign hits Yerevan campuses



    - HETQ

    The "Miasin" youth movement has launched an anti-corruption drive in several of Yerevan's colleges and universities that features the photographs of bribe-taking teachers being pasted. On the walls of buildings located next to Yerevan State University there are photos of at least twenty faculty and administration members with the word "bribe taker" written on them.

  • Newspaper

    Officials strive to curb corruption in education system



    Abdullah Ahiyam - Eurasia Insight

    Kyrgyz are now focusing on a new standardized test that officials contend will help eradicate graft in universities. Low teacher salaries and the long-standing practice of selling grades make that target a challenge. Many students simply purchase their degrees. In exchange, the instructor allows him to pass without taking exams, or completing the assignments.

  • Newspaper

    Cheating is a growing problem facing academia


    Liz Lightfoot - The Independent

    Companies that employ graduates to write essays and complete assignments for undergraduates claim they are not undermining academic standards because cheating occurs only if the students pass off the work as their own, something they discourage. In the other hand, reduced contact hours between undergraduates and lecturers make it harder for staff to detect work that is out of line with the student's abilities or writing style.

  • Améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement supérieur: une étude du programme Tempus

    Ce document passe en revue les développements généraux dans le domaine de l’assurance qualité dans les pays soutenus par le programme Tempus (à savoir les pays partenaires Tempus) par l’intermédiaire d’études de cas tirés de projets Tempus dans le...

    European Commission

    Luxembourg, Office des publications offielles des Communautés européennes, 2009

  • Promoting academic integrity in higher education

    The purpose of the study is to identify best practice initiatives that contribute to academic integrity and reduce scholastic dishonesty in higher education. Chief academic affairs officers (CAOs) or provosts at four year public and private colleges...

    Boehm, Pamela J., Justice, Madeline, Weeks, Sandy


  • Newspaper

    Academic Freedom in the 21st century


    Jonathan Travis - University World News

    Academics and students around the world at this very second are being subjected to infringements of their professional and human rights, and most of these violations are going unnoticed. Violations of this kind are not limited to countries with poor human rights records. On the contrary, in the post 9/11 world even the most transparent democracies are showing signs that are a cause for concern. Many institutions and academics in the West are subject to an increasingly sophisticated infrastructure of surveillance, intervention and control.

  • Newspaper

    E-mail leak of 'degree inflation'



    Sean Coughlan - BBC News

    A leaked e-mail from Manchester Metropolitan University shows how university staff are being urged to increase the number of top degree grades to keep pace with competing universities. The leaking of the e-mail provides further evidence of the concern among academics over the pressure to manipulate degree awards to improve the public image of universities and to make them more attractive to applicants. The number of students achieving a first class degree at UK universities has more than doubled since the mid-1990s.

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism: The catholic university of Louvain tests a software anti-cheat



    Isabelle Decoster - Catholic University of Louvain

    The plagiarism is more and more spread in universities. In cause, Internet. To overcome this phenomenon, the catholic university of Louvain makes sensitive and tests a detector software of plagiarism. Every work or report is scanned by the software. Green light, the work is "sane". Red light, similarities with accessible documents on the Web or in the works of other students exist and the teacher will have to establish the scale of the plagiarism.

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