1-10 of 25 results

  • IIEP Policy Forum on Planning Higher Education Integrity


    The IIEP Policy Forum on Planning Higher Education Integrity (Paris, 18-20 March 2015) brought together nearly 60 higher education experts and stakeholders from around the world to discuss recent and innovative initiatives aimed at improving transparency and reducing opportunities for fraud or corruption at the university level.

  • Le Plagiat, un enjeu pour l'intégrité des universités: le cas du Mexique

    Le secteur tertiaire est victime depuis quelques années de cas de fraude académique, et en particulier de plagiat, de plus en plus fréquents. Ces manquements à l'intégrité académique que tout étudiant se doit d'observer dans le cadre des règlements...

    Pautrat, Virginie

    Paris, Université de Paris V, 2014

  • Plagiarism policies in Slovakia: full report

    This report is part of the program “Impact of Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe (IPPHEAE)” funded by the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme. In this report, the author starts with the background information of higher education in...

    Foltynek, Dr. Tomas


  • Newspaper

    DSI investigates World Peace "university"



    - Bangkok Post

    The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has opened a probe of World Peace University, which seems to grant honorary degrees in exchange for money, a practice the "university" insists is ethical and legal. The DSI said it received a complaint that the operation of World Peace cheats the public, with awards of degrees without normal university merit.

  • Ethique et déontologie dans l'Education nationale

    L’idéal français d’un modèle républicain et démocratique de l’école est depuis plusieurs décennies mis en question. Entre une morale républicaine qui semble ne plus se transmettre, un cadre laïque parfois contesté et un système éducatif encore...

    Dupeyron, Jean-François; Miqueu, Christophe

    Paris, Armand Colin, 2013

  • The Concern with corruption in higher education

    Some might suggest that plagiarism and cheating are more common in the internet era. Some might suggest that bribes for university entrance and to augment one's grades are more common given an overall environment of economic stringency...

    Heyneman, Stephen P.

    New York, Routledge, 2011

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