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  • Newspaper

    Uganda: Kadaga wants anti-corruption campaign in schools



    Paul Kiwuuwa - The New Vision

    "The battle against corruption should be taken to schools in order to confront the vice at an early stage", stated a Ugandan Parliament Speaker. She also pointed out that Uganda has suffered repercussions of this vice for a long time, which is why youth should be sensitized to corruption and its effects to avoid the pitfalls of their parents.

  • Resetear la sociedad: ideas de los jóvenes sobre la corrupción

    Esta publicación desarrolla un completo diagnóstico cuali-cuantitativo sobre las ideas de los jóvenes acerca de la corrupción, los valores ciudadanos y la ética pública. La investigación fue realizada en escuelas secundarias, en el marco de un...

    Gamallo, Gustavo, Baragli, Néstor

    Buenos Aires, Oficina Anticorrupción, 2007

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