1-10 of 25 results

  • Newspaper

    Italian police arrest 18 in alleged exam-selling ring at la Sapienza U



    Francis X. Rocca - Chronicle of Higher Education

    Police officers have collected "much new evidence" in the case of an alleged exam-selling ring at Rome's La Sapienza University, the largest university in Europe, the local newspaper Il Messagero reported last week. According to police officers, students paid fees ranging from $1,695 to $ 3,391, depending on the degree of difficulty, to receive oral-exam questions in advance from the faculty member who would test them.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption in Serbian universities



    Veliborka Staletovic - Oneworld net

    Almost a third of the polled students in Serbia said that they would bribe somebody if that was the only way to pass an exam, according to a survey conducted by the Students Union of Serbia. 69 % would cheat in their exams if it was certain they would not be caught, while 53 percent said they would not feel bad about the cheating. Seven in ten students said that corruption is involved in enrolment procedures, and 79% heard of cheating in the exams.

  • Newspaper

    Pay as You Go



    Jessica Jacobson - TOL-Open Education Society News

    A student at a university in Osh is elected by his classmates to pay the bribes necessary for his classmates to get the grades they want. Typically, a student who chooses to buy an education pays about $40 to $50 per semester. Many professors are willing to accept bribes simply to meet basic needs. Salaries for teachers rarely exceed $100 a month.

  • Managing corruption in higher education in Moldova

    The Ministry of Education and Youth (MET) has recently become more active in addressing academic corruption, and on January 18, 2007, an action plan to prevent and combat corruption in the education system was authorized in collaboration with the...

    Valentino, Vanessa


  • Newspaper

    Corruption in Vietnamese higher education


    Dennis C. McCornac - International Higher Education

    In 2007, Transparency International gave Vietnam a dismal 2.6 rating score on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being least corrupt. Corruption is epidemic in Vietnam: bribes for school entrance, exams, and assessment occurs every day. Corruptive practices are the norm rather than the exception. In the informal survey of classes, more than 95 percent of the students reported they had cheated at least once in a class, and all had observed situations of cheating by other students.

  • The Concern with corruption in higher education

    Some might suggest that plagiarism and cheating are more common in the internet era. Some might suggest that bribes for university entrance and to augment one's grades are more common given an overall environment of economic stringency...

    Heyneman, Stephen P.

    New York, Routledge, 2011

  • Newspaper

    Liberia: LACC launches corruption risks report in education sector



    - AllAfrica

    The Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) today launched the corruption risks report in the education sector in Liberia. The report highlights the serious nature of corruption in the education sector in Liberia, especially Montserrado County where the study was done. The study revealed that 36 percent of students pay bribes for grades, while 27 percent pay bribes for promotion to higher grades and 23 percent pay bribes for exams.

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