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1-10 of 150 results

  • Newspaper

    A Professor at the University of Bologna incites his student to cheat



    - Figaro Etudiant

    A professor in political economy at the world’s oldest university has more or less invited his students to copy. It is his way of speaking out against the impunity of certain of his colleagues accused of plagiarism. He announced “I will not be checking to see if you have copied your work as I cannot, in good conscience, ask you to respect rules that the University of Bologna allows it’s professors to violate.”

  • Newspaper

    Ministers shut down more than 30 fake universities but most can't be prosecuted



    Javier Espinoza - The Telegraph

    More than 30 fake universities have been shut down by the Government following a crackdown on worthless degrees, after a website in China was found selling degree certificates from dozens of UK universities for £500 each. However, the UK is powerless to act against roughly 80 per cent of offenders because they are based outside the country and cannot be prosecuted, according to Prospects, the graduate careers expert. As the project starts its second year, it will focus on dealing with offenders at a local level through international collaboration with the equivalent authorities overseas, HEDD said.

  • Newspaper

    Breaking down Russia's culture of fake degrees

    Russian Federation


    Phillip Adams - ABC Austrlalia

    In December 2015, a prominent member of Russia’s ruling party was accused of plagiarising a large portion of his economic dissertation. But the strangest thing about the alleged plagiarism is not the accused’s lack of defence—it's that the Russian public didn't really seem to care. In fact, the Chairman of the State is one of more than 1,000 high achieving Russians who have been caught plagiarising. The accused include politicians, judges, prosecutors, police officials and even heads of universities.

  • Corrupt schools, corrupt universities launches in Russia


    IIEP recently launched a Russian-language version of its book, Corrupt schools, corrupt universities: What can be done? Authored by Jacques Hallak and Muriel Poisson, the book brings to light the importance of combatting corruption in education as well as key tools to detect corruption and tackle malpractices.

  • Newspaper

    The man who helps students to cheat



    Andrew Bomford - BBC

    Most students are happy to work hard, try their best and accept the consequences. But there are a host of commercial essay writers who are prepared to help those who can't be bothered. Universities have responded to the threat by trying to change the way they assess students. Increasingly students are being asked to orally present their work in front of a seminar group, or to answer questions from lecturers.

  • Newspaper

    The black market in academic papers – and why it’s spooking publishers



    - The Conversation

    The open access movement has come out of the idea that publicly-funded research should be available to the public. There are thousands of open access journals but many of them are seen to lack the prestige that universities demand for researchers. Academics can’t afford to read their own work but they can’t afford not to publish in these prestigious journals if they want to advance their careers. Many academics have to seek other means for finding articles rather than pay the minimum US$30 that most publishers charge to access an article.

  • Newspaper

    'Cheating watches' warning for exams



    Sean Coughlan - BBC News

    Teachers have complained about "cheating watches" being sold online to give students an unfair advantage in exams. These digital watches include an "emergency button" to quickly switch from hidden text to a clock face. The watches hold data or written information which can be read in exams. Watches are advertised on Amazon with the claim that they are "specifically designed for cheating on exams". But a deputy head from Bath has warned about the scale of this "hidden market" and says it could tempt stressed students into cheating.

  • Merit matters: student perceptions of faculty quality and reward

    This empirical research explores a role that the quality of teaching and students' competence play in shaping students' views about the upward mobility opportunities in their higher education institutions. It is often understood that the principal...

    Sabic-El-Rayess, Amra


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