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1-10 of 26 results

  • Newspaper

    Take responsibility for ensuring ethical recruitment


    Mark Ashwill - University World News

    It has been argued, that the way to address the problem of unethical student recruitment agencies is to ban them. But are all education agents inherently bad? No. Are there serious issues and potential pitfalls? Absolutely. Although the use of education agents is fraught with potential problems, it is possible to develop ways to address legitimate concerns related to the holy trinity of accountability, integrity and transparency.

  • ETICO Bulletin


    Following the publication of the inaugural issue this week, the ETICO Bulletin will be published three times a year. This e-newsletter is designed to keep educational decision-makers, planners, experts, researchers and development partners informed about recent developments in the area of ethics and corruption in education.

  • Newspaper

    Role of universities in the fight against corruption


    Marcus Tannenberg - University World news

    Last September, a declaration aimed at mainstreaming ethics and anti-corruption in higher education was endorsed by the 68 member universities of the Compostela Group of Universities and subsequently also by the World University Consortium and the World Academy of Art and Science, a global network of 700+ university

  • Corruption, grabbing and development

    All societies develop their own norms about what is fair behaviour and what is not. Violations of these norms, including acts of corruption, can collectively be described as forms of `grabbing'. This unique volume addresses how grabbing hinders...

    Søreide, Tina, Williams, Aled

    Cheltenham (UK), Edward Elgar, 2014

  • Plagiarism across Europe and beyond: conference proceedings 2013

    The international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond aims to be a forum for sharing best practices and experience with addressing academic integrity issues. Academic integrity is becoming more and more important topic in higher education...

    European Commission

    Brno (Czech Republic), MENDELU Publishing Centre, 2013

  • Newspaper

    Downturn brings ethics into focus


    Emma Jackson - University World News

    As a result of the increasing economic scandals, business universities and schools around the world are now interested in including ethics classes in their programs. They are concerned with idea that students are not equipped to deal with ethical dilemmas, therefore several activities that involve the analysis of the causes and consequences of the crises, visits to convicted of fraud and projects to change are taking place.

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