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  • Newspaper

    Breaking down Russia's culture of fake degrees

    Russian Federation


    Phillip Adams - ABC Austrlalia

    In December 2015, a prominent member of Russia’s ruling party was accused of plagiarising a large portion of his economic dissertation. But the strangest thing about the alleged plagiarism is not the accused’s lack of defence—it's that the Russian public didn't really seem to care. In fact, the Chairman of the State is one of more than 1,000 high achieving Russians who have been caught plagiarising. The accused include politicians, judges, prosecutors, police officials and even heads of universities.

  • The Scourge of fraud and corruption in higher education

    As evidenced by recently published articles, corruption has severely infected higher education worldwide. Through a global scan, this article first surveys examples of corruption in higher education in a few countries. It then looks at some actions...

    Mohamedbhai, Goolam


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