1-10 of 40 results

  • Newspaper

    The links between sexual harassment and corruption

    Russian Federation, Ukraine


    Ararat Osipian - University World News

    In Russia and Ukraine, discussion of sexual abuse is not welcomed. Nevertheless, faculty and staff are involved in exploiting and abusing students in many different ways like offering positive grades in examinations in exchange for sex. It is not only students who suffer from sexual harassment but also faculty and staff recruitment. Promotion is influenced by bribes or sexual favours as well.

  • Newspaper

    Rector and his deputy who sold higher education diplomas detained

    Russian Federation


    - Crime Rusia

    The Institute of Business Economics’ rector and deputy are charged with fraud, forging of documents and their sale, commercial bribery, and mediation. One of the Institute applicants said that the admissions office offered her to pay 450 thousand rubles ($7,054) for three years of study. The fact that the university was deprived of its license two years earlier did not prevent the rector from concluding contracts with candidates for paid higher education.

  • Newspaper

    Embattled Russian higher education commission refuses to hear report on falsified dissertations

    Russian Federation


    - Meduza

    The Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) refused to hear the results on academic integrity violations in academic dissertations from the Commission to Combat the Falsification of Scholarly Research, which operates within the Russian Academy of Science (RAN). The head of VAK refused to review a plagiarized dissertation and to let RAN academics into the hearing room. Moreover, VAK excluded academics who have attempted to take a stand against falsified dissertations.

  • Cheating and plagiarism in higher education

    Corruption, fraud and other forms of unethical behaviour are problems that higher education faces in both developing and developed countries, at mass as well as elite universities. While academic misconduct is not new per se, its unprecedented...


  • Newspaper

    Breaking down Russia's culture of fake degrees

    Russian Federation


    Phillip Adams - ABC Austrlalia

    In December 2015, a prominent member of Russia’s ruling party was accused of plagiarising a large portion of his economic dissertation. But the strangest thing about the alleged plagiarism is not the accused’s lack of defence—it's that the Russian public didn't really seem to care. In fact, the Chairman of the State is one of more than 1,000 high achieving Russians who have been caught plagiarising. The accused include politicians, judges, prosecutors, police officials and even heads of universities.

  • Newspaper

    Corruption scandal in the Far East

    Russian Federation


    Ararat L Osipian - University World News

    The president of the Far Eastern Federal University has been arrested in what could be one of the largest corruption scandals in Russian higher education in the past quarter century. The university, located in Russia’s port city of Vladivostok employs over 3,000 faculty, enrols 33,000 students and has nine branch campuses in the region. The university is the flagship of higher education in the Far East and was intended to become a world-class research university.

  • The Scourge of fraud and corruption in higher education

    As evidenced by recently published articles, corruption has severely infected higher education worldwide. Through a global scan, this article first surveys examples of corruption in higher education in a few countries. It then looks at some actions...

    Mohamedbhai, Goolam


  • The scourge of fraud and corruption in higher education

    Corruption in higher education affects the developed and the developing world equally, even if the motivation and the actors are different. Through a global scan, this article first surveys examples of corruption in higher education in a few...

    Mohamedbhai, Goolam


  • Newspaper

    Mass-produced PhDs lie at heart of Russia’s ‘plague’ of doctoral fraud

    Russian Federation


    Jack Grove - Times Higher Education

    Academic ‘scallywags’ are gaining doctorates thanks to the circulation of dodgy theses within some universities, says the founder of plagiarism pressure group. The extraordinary scale of PhD fraud in Russia can be attributed to the reproduction of near-identical doctoral dissertations within universities, with more than 3,500 falsified theses identified by the anti-plagiarism group Dissernet in the past two years.

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