1-4 of 4 results

  • Newspaper

    Nepotism, fraud, waste, and cheating ... welcome to England's school system



    Liz Lightfoot - The Guardian

    A Nottingham teacher has collected 3,800 reports on corruption in the international school system that deal with nepotism, fraud, and cheating. In England, they highlight structural "reform", with its waste of money on free schools that never open, the horrific ongoing costs of successive Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs), and the way schools are pitched against each other to survive. Examples include an academy boss telling teachers to cheat on exams and the widespread relocation of students to improve school performance.

  • Newspaper

    Are schools cheating to give children better grades? 'Money-for-marks culture' is blamed after investigation exposes malpractice in exam marking system



    Lucy Waterlow - MailOnline

    An ITV documentary has investigated whether some schools are taking duplicitous measures to achieve top marks. The problem is said to have developed after league tables based on exam results were introduced in 1992, putting more pressure on schools to perform well. Schools can obtain more financial rewards if they feature highly in league tables, while the jobs of heads and teachers are at risk if a bad Ofsted inspection means the school goes into special measures.

  • Newspaper

    Teaching: a vocation or financial goldmine?



    Adi Bloom - Times Educational Supplement

    Few people enter the teaching profession for the money. Teachers repeatedly describe it as "a vocation", widely recognized as a euphemism for poorly paid. But for a few enterprising teachers, the education system is rife with opportunities for personal financial gain. A report on corruption in education, published this week by UNESCO highlights ways in which heads, teachers and education officials can extort and embezzle school funds.

  • Ethics in education: the role of teacher codes

    As for any profession, the education profession follows certain general standards of practice (either implicit or explicit), such as equality of treatment and fulfilment of duties. Problems of ethics in teacher behaviour include a number of...

    Van Nuland, Shirley, Khandelwal, B.P., Biswal, K., Dewan, E.A., Bajracharya, H.R.

    Paris, UNESCO, 2006

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