1-10 of 22 results

  • Newspaper

    A Professor at the University of Bologna incites his student to cheat



    - Figaro Etudiant

    A professor in political economy at the world’s oldest university has more or less invited his students to copy. It is his way of speaking out against the impunity of certain of his colleagues accused of plagiarism. He announced “I will not be checking to see if you have copied your work as I cannot, in good conscience, ask you to respect rules that the University of Bologna allows it’s professors to violate.”

  • Newspaper

    In Paris, a business school was an illegal immigrant factory

    France, China


    Christophe Cornevin - Le Figaro

    One of the biggest Chinese illegal immigrant networks ever discovered in France was centred on a private business school based in the XVth arrondissement. This network made it possible to channel between 500 and 1000 Chinese immigrants into France annually, mostly young men between the ages of 20 and 25. Once in France, fake certificates attesting to their student status, report cards and diplomas allowed them to establish themselves permanently, without ever having to set foot in a classroom.

  • Newspaper

    A secure card instead of a diploma to fight against fraud



    Hugues Lefèvre - Le Figaro

    At the end of November, for the first time, 500 of INSA Toulouse most recent graduates received a secure card which attested to the authenticity of their engineering degree at their graduation ceremony. The aim of the operation is to fight against cheating and forgery. The cards given to the students are protected against forgery by a nanoparticle marker which is invisible to the naked eye.

  • Newspaper

    Final exams: Close to a third of cheating is thanks to new technology



    - Etudiant Le Figaro

    According to the candidates, it is still « complicated » to use one’s mobile phone or any other connected utility during exams. They will not be discouraged of cheating, however: a certain number make do with traditional cheat sheets… Why count on connected utilities, and risk being found out, when good old cheat sheets or plagiarism are more discreet and just as effective?

  • IIEP Policy Forum on Planning Higher Education Integrity


    The IIEP Policy Forum on Planning Higher Education Integrity (Paris, 18-20 March 2015) brought together nearly 60 higher education experts and stakeholders from around the world to discuss recent and innovative initiatives aimed at improving transparency and reducing opportunities for fraud or corruption at the university level.

  • Newspaper

    Cheating on final exams up by 10% in 2014



    - Le Figaro

    A sign of the times, cheating comes down to glancing at your smartphone during an exam, or copy-pasting whole sections of texts found on the Internet. Attempts to cheat on final exams increased by 10% in 2014, when compared to 2013, according to National Education Ministry statistics.

  • Newspaper

    Exams: the number of plagiarists increases



    Marie-Estelle Puech - Le Figaro

    Plagiarism is increasing at the secondary school level, according to the numbers revealed by the Inter-academic Commission of Ile-de-France. Between 2013 and 2014, the number of cases of plagiarism and copying reported to the disciplinary commissions in Ile-de-France doubled, increasing from 24 to 47. They represented last year 25% of the 188 cases of fraud on exams reported to disciplinary commissions.

  • Newspaper

    Two law students who hand in similar exams are in police custody



    - L'Express éducation

    It was the Director of the University of Law in Le Havre who drew this violation to the attention of the Public Prosecutor. Cheating on an exam is punished by a maximum sentence of 3 years imprisonment and a fine of 9000 Euros.

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