1-6 of 6 results

  • Newspaper

    New project aims to educate school children, young adults on issue of corruption



    Salifa Karapetyan - Seychelles News Agency

    Educating school children and young adults on the subject of corruption on the Seychelles’ three main islands is the aim of a joint project between Transparency Initiative Seychelles (TIS) and the Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS). Other than educating students and pupils, key activities under the project consist of revising the existing Anti-Corruption Act, reinforcing the capacity of the Transparency Initiatives Seychelles and to improve the latter’s advocacy through technical assistance and equipment.

  • Newspaper

    Replacement of absent teachers: the private sector is more efficient



    Marie-Estelle Pech - Le Figaro

    With each teacher taking an average of 6.6 sick days per year, the non-replacement of absent teachers is a source of tension with parents. In the public sector, substitute teachers cover 97% of long-term absences at the secondary level. This rate falls to 38% for shorter absences. However, when it comes to replacing teachers, be it for longer or shorter periods, the private education system is more efficient than the public sector.

  • Newspaper

    The traditional “thank the teacher” present has become a lucrative market



    Antoine Sillières - Le Figaro

    Between the end of year fête and the start of the summer holidays, it is traditional for teachers to receive small gifts from parents and students as a thank-you for the past year. To the delight of chocolate makers, florists and many more.

  • Ethique et déontologie dans l'Education nationale

    L’idéal français d’un modèle républicain et démocratique de l’école est depuis plusieurs décennies mis en question. Entre une morale républicaine qui semble ne plus se transmettre, un cadre laïque parfois contesté et un système éducatif encore...

    Dupeyron, Jean-François; Miqueu, Christophe

    Paris, Armand Colin, 2013

  • Morale laïque: pour un enseignement laïque de la morale: remise du rapport de la mission sur l'enseignement de la morale laïque lundi 22 avril 2013

    La mission réunie à la demande du ministre de l'éducation nationale, s'est vu confier la tâche de mener un état des lieux de l'instruction civique et morale dans les programmes scolaires, de l'école primaire au lycée, et de définir, pour tous les...

    Bergounioux, Alain, Loeffel, Laurence, Schwartz, Rémy

    Paris, Ministère de l'éducation, 2013

  • Newspaper

    70% of pupils cheat during their schooling



    Marie-Estelle Pech - Le Figaro

    Some 70.5% of French pupils admit to having cheated in school, according to a study on exam fraud conducted among 1,815 students in French multidisciplinary universities.

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