1-2 of 2 results

  • Newspaper

    Chinese high school students lose student registration overnight, revealing education system corruption



    Olivia Li - The Epoch Times

    Fenglan School violated regulations and used false advertising to enroll more students than its legal capacity. 400 students were found to be “missing” in the local student registration system. According to a student, the school asked them to sign an agreement saying that students would take the standardized exam as a local teenage resident not associated with the school. As a result, the students would not obtain graduation nor take the college admission exam. Some private schools would also bribe local education officials in order to obtain student registration for these unqualified students.

  • Newspaper

    Problems in China's private universities



    Osman Ozturgut - Boston College

    Because obtaining any education is seen as the main goal by most Chinese, the new private universities which have appeared in almost every major province are seen like an opportunity to lower Chinese University Examinations scores to have access to superior education.

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