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  • Newspaper

    Expert sounds warning over high ‘diploma mill’ reputation



    Philstar.com 24 - University World News

    During a Senate hearing on Charter change in the Philippines, concerns were raised by education experts regarding the potential risks associated with opening higher education to foreign ownership. An education adviser highlighted the country's reputation for diploma mills, warning that it could attract low-quality foreign universities instead of prestigious institutions. Despite debates over Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) 6 which proposes opening up higher education to foreign ownership, concerns persist regarding the regulation of substandard institutions and the potential commercialization of education.

  • Newspaper

    Student 'anti-cheating' exam hats go viral



    James FitzGerald - BBC news

    Images of students wearing so-called "anti-cheating hats" during college exams have gone viral on social media in the Philippines. To ensure integrity and honesty in a fun way during exams, a professor at Bicol University College of Engineering asked the students to innovate headwear that would block their ability to see their peers' answer papers. The idea had been effective, and it was implemented for recent mid-term exams sat by hundreds of students at the College in October.

  • Successful completion of IIEP’s online course on corruption in education


    IIEP successfully concluded its online course on ‘Transparency, accountability and accountability measures’ held from 21 September to 6 November 2020. The objective of the course was to strengthen the skills of participants in assessing corruption risks in the education sector and designing adequate tools and strategies to address such risks.

  • New IIEP online course on corruption in education


    September 2020 marked the launch of the IIEP-UNESCO online course on ‘Transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education’. Building on IIEP’s research and training activities in the area of corruption in education, this new course aims to bring together different education stakeholders to learn and exchange on practices of corruption, and strategies to address them in different education domains. This online course is organized as part of the Institute’s programme on Ethics and Corruption in Education.

  • Newspaper

    Academic integrity now protected with Turnitin technology



    Raymond G.B. Tribdino - Business Insight

    As schools and universities move to online instruction, the new software Turnitin Originality is designed to support academic integrity by providing tools to students to self-check and correct themselves, and for professors to identify potential misconduct so that they can intervene. When reviewing submissions, Turnitin Originality checks whether the work is similar to other known text, or if there are indications that it was not written by the student. This data will facilitate conversations between instructors and students about how to discover and express their authentic voice.

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