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1-10 of 27 results

  • Video

    Academic integrity: a student perspective on developing skills for success



    - Bournemouth University

    With exams just around the corner, students from Bournemouth University talk about what academic integrity means to them, how using it means they get better marks, how to avoid committing an academic offence and where to get help when they need it.

  • Newspaper

    New academic integrity rules for DPP election candidates

    Taiwan China


    Mimi Leung - University World News

    Under the new measures approved on academic integrity for all its candidates, all Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members standing for election will have to list their degrees and sign an academic ethics statement declaring that they did not engage in plagiarism, falsification or ghostwriting when writing their theses. This follows the revoke of various doctoral degrees of DPP members for plagiarism allegations.

  • Newspaper

    What can be done about the growth in dissertation mills?

    Algeria, Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Sudan, Egypt


    Zachariah Mushawatu - University World News

    Academic dishonesty including dissertation fraud is on rise universities in Africa. Only 24 African countries out of 54 have institutional repositories. This means that dissertations and other sources of information that can be plagiarised only exist in hard copies. According to a professor from Uganda, one way to eliminate contract writing is to establish a rigorous process throughout the dissertation writing and defence process. The president of the Southern African Students Union believes that paying lecturers decent salaries will lead to a decrease in the number of people engaging in ghost-writing for students.

  • Newspaper

    At least 1,500 students at Irish universities reported for cheating, plagiarism, or use of ‘essay mills’



    Ken Foxe - Irish Examiner

    Between 2019 and 2021, Trinity College had 445 cases of suspected cheating, 143 cases of plagiarism and another 154 cases of cheating. In 2022 there were 33 cases of suspected exam cheating and 138 cases where a student plagiarised work for their assignments. The University said the data did not include supplemental assignments that were in progress at the time, meaning the figures could still rise slightly.

  • Newspaper

    Irish higher education ‘under threat’ from global cheating industry



    Carl O’Brien - The Irish Times

    Although steps have been taken by the Irish authorities, such as the enactment of legislation penalizing essay mills, officials believe that universities need targeted funding to help protect the quality and integrity of teaching and learning. Reports show that 10% of students may have used contract cheating services and they can be difficult to detect as they can go undetected by plagiarism detection software.

  • Newspaper

    Call for essay mills ban amid surge in university cheating cases



    Gregor Aiken and James Wyllie - The Press and Journal

    The “proliferation” of essay mills over the past 5 years has led to an increase in the number of plagiarism cases. Last year, 338 cases were reported by universities in the North, with the majority of cases at Aberdeen University and Robert Gordon University. 1,000 essay mills companies are currently operating across the UK. Some are allegedly involved in exploiting graduates overseas where they are forced to work 12-hour shifts producing essays for as little as $1 an hour.

  • Newspaper

    Record number of plagiarism, cheating incidents



    Carli Berry - Kelowna News

    According to a report at the Thompson Rivers University, the number of academic integrity cases has doubled. They include 514 incidents of plagiarism, 342 incidents of cheating, 5 incidents of fabrication and 347 incidents of academic misconduct for 1,208 cases recorded from September 2019 to August 2020. 80 students have been subject to suspension by November 2020.

  • Newspaper

    Rutgers faculty discusses cheating during remote instruction



    Victoria Yeasky - The Daily Tragum

    While the Academic Integrity Policy has not changed since the transition to remote learning at Rutgers faculty, departments have implemented new measures in an effort to prevent cheating. The Office of Student Conduct has created tutorial videos on completing work honestly, and on exams and major assignments, students should write and sign an honour pledge. The policy includes seven types of violations: plagiarism, cheating, and fabrication, facilitation of dishonesty, academic sabotage, violation of research or professional ethics and violations involving potentially criminal activity.

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