1-6 of 6 results

  • Video

    Corruption cases in education



    Noticiero Notifides -

    Honduras introduces a web-based platform for teachers to report corruption. This platform is aimed at eradicating cases of corruption in the national education system by providing a user-friendly tool that can even be used from a mobile device

  • Video

    Fake university degrees in Peru



    América Noticias -

    The video documents an investigation into the sale of fake university degrees in Peru, in front of the headquarters of the Judiciary in Callao. The reporter discovers that this illicit activity is widespread.

  • Newspaper

    Four Under Restriction on Charges of Fraud in Chiapas



    - La Jornada

    Three women are being investigated for asking 80,000 pesos from four people pledging they would get them jobs as primary teachers. The accused admitted that they had falsified postings notices for several years.

  • Newspaper

    Admission of the Greatest Academic Fraud



    - La Nación

    Last year, the ombudsman for Andalusia received 150 complaints over the enrolment process, according to the 2008 report just published. This is why he favours harsher penalties for fraudulent applications as there are no clear-cut punitive measures that set an example. However, the province's education ministry maintains that punishment is not the best response, so no sanctions will be taken.

  • Newspaper

    96 Buenos Aires Police Officers Investigated for Falsifying Diplomas



    - El Clarín

    The public prosecutor for economic crime in Mar de Plata is investigating 96 officers suspected of using falsified secondary-education degrees in order to get promoted. He also stated that a preliminary report by the Buenos Aires ministry of education has confirmed that 250 such certificates presented by police officers are being checked and at least 96 are false.

  • Newspaper

    Velasco Ibarra School a No-Man's-Land



    - Ultimas Noticias

    Le directeur provincial de l'éducation confirme que le principal d'une école du soir, au nord de Quito, fait l'objet d'une enquête suite à des soupçons de détournement de fonds et de harcèlement sexuel. Le principal, à la tête de l'école depuis 23 ans, a demandé aux étudiants d'acheter des uniformes et des joggings exclusivement à l'école ; en outre, il a embauché deux de ses proches en tant qu'enseignants alors que l'un d'entre eux n'avait jamais enseigné.

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