1-10 of 31 results

  • Newspaper

    Study of corrupt university practices sparks anger



    Yojana Sharma - University World News

    A recent study by the anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International's Bangladesh chapter looking into private universities' alleged "monetary irregularities" has triggered a heated public debate, with education authorities disputing the claims.

  • Newspaper

    Tri-Valley University founder sentenced to 16 years



    Karina Ioffee - University World News

    The president and CEO of a private college that catered to foreign students has been sentenced to 16 years in prison for defrauding the Department of Homeland Security by issuing phony visa-related documents to international students in exchange for tuition and fee.

  • Newspaper

    W Cape cheating college principal fired

    South Africa


    - SABC News

    The private college in Athlone, Cape Town, where 46 candidates cheated during the 2014 matric exams, has fired its principal. "Thus far, the school has dismissed the principal who was head of the examinations, and has accepted the resignation of two teachers who admitted to being involved", Stonefountain College Director said.

  • Newspaper

    Loophole-ridden retirement system threatens higher education

    Taiwan China


    Christine Chou - The China Post

    Having barely recovered from the protests over history curriculum in July, the Ministry of Education finds itself under heat again. This time, over failing to prevent the undue influence of high-ranking officials who serve in positions at private universities right after their retirement. Twenty-one officials who retired from the MOE allegedly assumed positions at private colleges in the past 20 years. Some are said to be receiving lucrative sums in addition to their retirement pensions, while others are said to be well past retirement age.

  • Newspaper

    In Paris, a business school was an illegal immigrant factory

    France, China


    Christophe Cornevin - Le Figaro

    One of the biggest Chinese illegal immigrant networks ever discovered in France was centred on a private business school based in the XVth arrondissement. This network made it possible to channel between 500 and 1000 Chinese immigrants into France annually, mostly young men between the ages of 20 and 25. Once in France, fake certificates attesting to their student status, report cards and diplomas allowed them to establish themselves permanently, without ever having to set foot in a classroom.

  • Newspaper

    Intensive crackdown launched on corruption in employing teachers

    Korea R


    Kim Rahn - The Korea Times

    Seoul's education authority is conducting an intensive crackdown on corrupt practices in the hiring of teachers at private elementary, middle and high schools. Officials at the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (SMOE) said Monday that they are collecting tips amid persistent rumors of bribery during the hiring process. In this process, it is said that close ties with school foundation officials, or even bribes, often become the decisive factor in landing a job.

  • Newspaper

    Private schools want Malawi government stamp out corruption in inspection department



    Owen Khamula - Nyasa times

    Independent Schools Association of Malawi (Isama) officials have bemoaned high levels of corruption in the ministry of Education inspection department. The President of Isama said during the launch of a quiz competition organised by the association that Education ministry officials were demanding money from private school owners who did not have licence to operate their institutions in the country.

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