
Public expenditure tracking survey in Burkina Faso

Following activities initiated in June 2011 on ethics and corruption in education in Burkina Faso, IIEP recently provided technical support to the national team in charge of carrying out a public expenditure tracking survey (PETS) in the country’s basic education sector, under the auspices of UNICEF.

Reducing leakages and improving information systems

IIEP staff reviewed with the team the preliminary version of the provisional report showing the main results of the survey; they also participated in the inter-ministerial Technical Committee meeting charged with tracking the study’s progress. IIEP also discussed with UNICEF, and with representatives from the various concerned ministries, methods to follow up on the results and to apply recommendations.

A successful method of conducting the survey

Despite the difficulties encountered by the national team in accessing the data, the provisional report gave important indications regarding the rate of leakage, notably in the flow of textbooks, supplies, and food. The drafted recommendations – both in terms of reducing leakages and improving information systems – will be discussed at the inter-ministerial Committee Meeting in June 2012.

The survey process was fully led by a national team benefiting from the support of two inter-ministerial Committees, which comprise representatives from the ministries of economy and finance, basic education and literacy), as well as regional administration, decentralization, and security. This constitutes a reference model, not only for other sectors (such as health) but also for other countries in the sub-region.