1-10 of 60 results

  • Diploma and accreditation mills: new trends in credential abuse

    This report investigates the new generation of bogus universities, taking a closer look at the involvement of bogus colleges in immigration scams and the phenomenon of online high school diploma mills. It also looks back at the year's developments in...

    Ben Cohen, Eyal, Winch, Rachel

    Bedford, 2011

  • Diploma and accreditation mills: exposing academic credential abuse

    This report published by Verifile Limited in January 2010 exposes a multi-billion dollar international fake diploma fraud. Alarmingly, the US was found to be the world's fake college capital. The Report indicates that 810 diploma mills have already...

    Ben Cohen, Eyal, Winch, Rachel

    Bedford, Verifile Limited, 2011

  • Annual report 2011

    In 2011 law students were approximately three times more likely to bring a complaint to the OIA than the average for students studying other subjects in England and Wales. Other subjects more likely to elicit student complaints included Medicine and...

    Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (UK)

    Reading (UK), OIA, 2011

  • The Concern with corruption in higher education

    Some might suggest that plagiarism and cheating are more common in the internet era. Some might suggest that bribes for university entrance and to augment one's grades are more common given an overall environment of economic stringency...

    Heyneman, Stephen P.

    New York, Routledge, 2011

  • Pourquoi les étudiants trichent-ils?

    Fréquemment dénoncée, fortement médiatisée, la tricherie scolaire semble avoir connu un tournant majeur avec les "fuites" au baccalauréat S en 2011. Alors même que les sanctions "officielles", celles qui sont prononcées par les conseils ou les...

    Guibert, Pascal, Michaut, Christophe


  • How to spot and counter diploma mills

    The importance of this publication lies in its success, in less than 100 pages, in providing both an overview of the issue and practical ways to identify bogus providers and accrediting agencies. Many monographs and websites have provided practical...

    Finocchietti, Carlo, Checcacci, Claudia, Lantero, Luca


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