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  • Newspaper

    Ministry names recognized universities



    - Angola Press Agency/World Education News & Reviews

    The Ministry of Education recently informed all students applying for university places in 2005-06 that there are only seven (two public, five private) government-recognized institutions in the country. It also warned prospective students from enrolling at private institutions not recognized by the government.

  • Newspaper

    Scottish authorities suspend HND program after student fraud accusations



    - World Education News & Reviews

    Plans by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) to export its examinations system to China have been put on hold following charges of fraud by students looking to gain entry to Britain on study visas. Staff at a Sino-British college, Sea Rich, raised concerns that many students were not studying, but had been promised by the university a two-year-year HND for payments of US$2,200. The students had also been promised assistance by the university to get UK entry clearance.

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