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1-10 of 16 results

  • Newspaper

    Facing up to international students who cheat



    Elena Denisova-Schmidt - University World News

    US public universities recorded about five cases of alleged cheating for every 100 foreign students, and only one for every 100 domestic students, in the 2014-15 academic year. In the United Kingdom students from overseas – from outside the European Union – are more than four times as likely to cheat. Many of these cheating students come from countries with endemic corruption or with significantly different academic cultures and standards. Universities should acknowledge this problem and allocate all necessary resources to mitigate academic misconduct involving students.

  • Newspaper

    Teaching business ethics


    Margaret Andrews - University World News

    Ethics is not always dealing with ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, but may sometimes be a choice of a lesser of evils, a nuanced decision dealing with trade-offs or viewed as situational. How do we better equip students to better understand ethical dilemmas and how to approach them?, collects and shares research on ethics which spans a wide variety of topics, including accounting, cheating and honesty, contextual influences, corporate culture, corporate governance, corruption, decision-making, leadership and teaching ethics, among others.

  • The global challenge of academic integrity

    Corruption in higher education affects the developed and the developing world equally, even if the motivation and the actors are different.The author focusses her attention exclusively on academic misconduct, given its ubiquity in higher education...

    Denisova-Schmidt, Elena


  • Newspaper

    How to avoid getting cheated by phony scholarships


    Benjamin Plackett - Al Fanar Media

    A few predatory universities are looking for Arab students eager to study online cheaply, an Al-Fanar Media investigation has found. The “universities” try to seduce prospective students with offers of scholarships that are, in fact, just a way to pry money out of them.

  • Corruption, grabbing and development

    All societies develop their own norms about what is fair behaviour and what is not. Violations of these norms, including acts of corruption, can collectively be described as forms of `grabbing'. This unique volume addresses how grabbing hinders...

    Søreide, Tina, Williams, Aled

    Cheltenham (UK), Edward Elgar, 2014

  • How corruption puts higher education at risk

    Global attention begin in the 1990s with definitions and questions as to how common education corruption was; it then expanded to include the differences from one to another region, ranging from financial corruption and student plagiarism to sexual...

    Heyneman, Stephen P.


  • Newspaper

    Fraud in international education – The tip of the iceberg?


    Daniel Guhr - University World News

    Once comprehensively surveyed, the magnitude and reach of fraud is becoming clear. For example, research suggests that the majority of applications from a number of large student-sending countries are either significantly embellished or outright fraudulent. As a result, tens of thousands of international students, having passed through visa and admissions systems, are enrolled all over the world based on school transcripts, financial support statements, recommendation letters or test scores that are untrue.

  • Newspaper

    World Bank wants anti-graft lessons on school curriculum in poor countries


    Heather Stewart - The Guardian

    The World Bank's anti-graft chief says developing nations should be given a manual to help them deal with corruption. Tackling corruption should be put on the curriculum for every school child in the world's poorest countries, he says.

  • Newspaper

    Downturn brings ethics into focus


    Emma Jackson - University World News

    As a result of the increasing economic scandals, business universities and schools around the world are now interested in including ethics classes in their programs. They are concerned with idea that students are not equipped to deal with ethical dilemmas, therefore several activities that involve the analysis of the causes and consequences of the crises, visits to convicted of fraud and projects to change are taking place.

  • Newspaper

    Students swindled and stranded

    Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt


    David Jardine - University World News

    A scandal involving 49 students who sought places in an Egypt's prestigious university has been revealed. Instead of enrolling in the promised university, the students ended up in Malaysia where 15 were discovered doing odd jobs to support themselves. Moreover in what may be a bureaucratic cross-proposes the Indonesia's Ministry of national education is not in charge of verifying the student's process because is the Ministry of religious affaires the one responsible for students who apply to Islamic Universities abroad.

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