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1-10 of 239 results

  • Newspaper

    El ministro ordena investigar los " títulos honoríficos falsos

    South Africa


    TimesLive - University World News

    El ministro de Educación Superior sudafricano expresó su preocupación por el creciente número de instituciones falsas que conceden doctorados honoríficos, en su mayoría a celebridades, entre ellas una empresaria y personalidad de la telerrealidad y un artista local. El ministro pidió al Consejo de Educación Superior que investigue y asesore sobre las medidas apropiadas en todos los casos denunciados de estos títulos honoríficos falsos.

  • Newspaper

    Sex for grades scandal: five academics investigated



    Wagdy Sawahel - University World News

    Five professors at Hassan I University in Settat, Morocco, are under investigation after conversations on social media were leaked in which they were allegedly discussing the ‘sextortion’ of female students for extra credits. The academic community called for a Business Ethics module in the university staff training programmes that would stop promoting such abuses.

  • Newspaper

    Teachers linked to N$9 million fraud fired



    Lugeretzia Kooper - All Africa

    13 staff members at the Ministry of Education have been dismissed in the Zambezi region after they were found guilty of claiming N$9 million in cash bonuses and additional payments. In order to improve payroll administration and identify any irregularity on the Ministry's payroll, a nationwide annual verification exercise is carried out.

  • Newspaper

    Education Ministry launches learner tracking system



    Godfrey Lugaaju - All Africa

    To prevent the forging of information, a new digital platform will allow learners from primary to university levels to have an identification number. Schools will update data about their learners, teaching and non-teaching staff, infrastructure and facilities including physical education and sports through their online EMIS user accounts. The new system is aimed to eliminate ghost workers and improve transparency and accountability across the country.

  • Newspaper

    Survey reveals rampant sexual corruption in schools



    Sarah Tétaud - All Africa

    According to a survey conducted by Transparency International Madagascar, 84% of students are victims of sexual corruption. The most common modus operandi is first to lure a student and then offer a good grade in exchange for a sexual favour. The Confederation of Teachers' Unions has denounced the existence of a protection network for guilty teachers within the Ministry of Higher Education.

  • Newspaper

    University crisis festers as panel uncovers fraud, corruption



    Daily Trust - University World News

    A report on the University of Lagos (UNILAG) by the Presidential Visitation Panel, which is investigating the affairs of UNILAG between 2016 and 2020, has revealed that two of the states of the Federation of Nigeria, namely Lagos and Ogun, lost NGN2.9 billion (US$7 million) due to gross under-deduction of staff salaries over five years by the institution. The seven-member panel detected cases of contract splitting and frivolous contract awards.

  • Newspaper

    The Kenyans who are helping the world to cheat



    Reha Kansara & Ed Main - BBC News

    Kenya has a global online industry on ghostwriters helping foreigners to cheat. Many of the essay mills websites are based in the US and Eastern Europe, and the profile pictures of the writers to be hired are fake. They give the impression that the essay will be written by an academic in the West when in fact it is written by someone in Kenya, often a student or graduate there. While some countries are taking action to ban essay selling services, it is not yet clear how effective this will be in stopping a trade that crosses international borders so easily.

  • Newspaper

    Academic dishonesty: Students, staff should be trained early



    Jean d'Amour Mbonyinshuti and Alice Tembasi - University World News

    Over 100 students at the private KIM University in Kigali, Rwanda, have not been allowed to graduate in July 2021 after authorities detected that they had altered their grades in the university system. According to the Rwanda Bureau of Investigation, the suspects are accused of electronically falsifying documents and could face sentences of five to seven years in prison and fines ranging from 3 to 5 million Rwandan francs (about US$5,000).

  • Newspaper

    A model of public accountability for African universities

    Rwanda, Ghana


    Eric Fredua-Kwarteng - University World News

    The University of Energy and Natural Resources in Ghana and the University of Rwanda have been the only African public universities providing reports including information such as the university structure, number and qualifications of academic and support staff, total enrolment, and the number of graduates. These reports are a model for universities to adopt and a means of promoting transparency, integrity, and accountability amongst faculty members, staff, students, and communities.

  • Newspaper

    Questions about unaccounted funds for skills development

    South Africa


    Edwin Naidu - University World News

    As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, a project to use ZAR866 million (US$60 million) to build a state-of-the-art technical and vocational education and training college in one of South Africa’s poorest townships could not proceed. The project was stopped by the Minister of Higher Education, but the money has not been returned to the National Treasury or accounted for in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act regulations.

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