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1-6 of 6 results

  • New mechanisms for public accountability: the Indian experience

    This paper summarizes some of the recent initiatives to enhance public accountability in India. These are divided into two categories: initiatives from the government and those that emanated primarily from civil society. Notable among the government...

    Paul, Samuel

    Bangalore, Public Affairs Centre, 2002

  • Public sector transparency and accountability: making it happen

    This publication presents the papers discussed at the Latin American Forum on Ensuring Transparency and Accountability in the Public Sector that took place on 5-6 December 2001. The Forum brought together more than 450 ministers, senators, senior...


    Paris, OECD, 2002

  • The Global corruption report 2001

    The 2001 Global corruption report concentrates on events in the period July 2000 to June 2001. It is based on Transparency International's definition of corruption as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. This includes both public and...

    Transparency International

    Berlin, Transparency International (TI), 2001

  • Hidden challenges to education systems in transition economies

    This book outlines the strategy of the World Bank to guide its work with Europe and Central Asia (ECA) clients in education. In the early stages of the transition, it was felt that education could be safely ignored, because the region faced...

    Berryman, Sue E.

    Washington, World Bank, 2000

  • Anti-corruption initiatives of UNDP

    This document provides an overview of UNDP's action in the area of anti-corruption, whose main goal is to facilitate civil society and the private sector involvement in policy development and in public sector management so as to improve transparency...

    United Nations Development Programme (USA)

    New York (USA), UNDP, 2000

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