1-10 of 20 results

  • Newspaper

    Student-help site course Hero raises plagiarism, copyright concerns



    Raffy Boudjikanian - CBC News

    Student plagiarism help site? Academics and administration officials at Concordia and McGill universities are raising concerns over Course Hero, a note-sharing website for students which boasts more than just notes. Looking at only a few of its hundreds of pages, CBC Montreal Investigates found 35 chapters lifted from textbooks, and 56 professors' presentations.

  • Cola, plágio e outras práticas acadêmicas desonestas: um estudo quantitativo-descritivo sobre o comportamento de alunos de graduação e pós-graduação da área de negócios

    As atividades fraudulentas no mundo corporativo têm sido motivo crescente de preocupação da sociedade e podem estar associadas a falhas na formação educacional dos gestores. Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar o comportamento dos alunos de cursos...

    Veludo-de-Oliveira, Tânia, Oliveira, Fernando, Queiroz, Josimeire, Barrichello, Alcides


  • Le Plagiat, un enjeu pour l'intégrité des universités: le cas du Mexique

    Le secteur tertiaire est victime depuis quelques années de cas de fraude académique, et en particulier de plagiat, de plus en plus fréquents. Ces manquements à l'intégrité académique que tout étudiant se doit d'observer dans le cadre des règlements...

    Pautrat, Virginie

    Paris, Université de Paris V, 2014

  • Newspaper

    China vs. America – Quality, plagiarism and propaganda

    China, USA


    John Richard Schrock - University World News

    In this article, Dr John Richard Schrock, who teaches at Emporia State University in Kansas, explains the vast differences between research, citation and teaching styles in Chinese and American university students, citing cultural and education gaps for instances of plagiarism.

  • Newspaper

    Case of two KU scientists illustrates growing problem of research fraud



    Alan Bavely - The Kansas City Star

    In the technical world of bio-informatics, two University of Kansas computer scientists were riding high in 2009 having published three articles with an international audience. Portions of all three of their articles had been lifted from other scientists' work. The entire summarizing statement in their presentation had come from someone else's journal article.

  • Higher education, corruption and reform

    Educational corruption is problem in every country, particularly at the college and university level. With illustrations drawn from the United States, this article considers what "basic principles" should shape efforts to deter, expose, and penalize...

    Johnson, Vincent


  • Newspaper

    Wikipedia tops list of plagiarized sources



    David Nagel - Campus Technology

    The study "Plagiarism and the Web" analyzed more than 33.5 million papers submitted to the Turnitin service from June 2010 to June 2011. In those papers, iParadigms' researchers found 128 million "content matches" from a wide variety of Web sources.

  • Newspaper

    NYU Undergrads accused of plagiarism



    Louis Lavelle - Business Week

    A tell-all blog post by a New York University professor claims that more than 20 business students at the elite private university plagiarized portions of the work they submitted for one of his classes. Criticism by students in their evaluation of the professor resulted in a financial penalty for him, he says.

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