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1-3 of 3 results

  • Civil society: A key voice in tackling corruption in education


    When education is free of corruption, and a strong culture of transparency and accountability prevails, doors can open for millions of children and youth worldwide. They can access their right to quality education. To accelerate, how can the education sector join forces with civil society organizations? Education Out Loud grantees from Tanzania, Cambodia, and Zimbabwe explain how.

  • Newspaper

    Education sector corruption should be addressed



    New Ziana - The Herald

    The Zimbabwe Women Against Corruption Trust Director urged the government to improve the working conditions and remunerations for teachers and investigate on the issue of extra lessons. Teachers in public schools are asking money for in-class extra lessons from students, which is fuelling discrimination against other learners. Those who cannot afford to pay are deprived of equal access to quality education.

  • Newspaper

    Challenges of confronting sextortion in Zimbabwe



    Muchaneta Mundopa - Voices for Transparency

    Transparency International Zimbabwe reports that many students are put under pressure to have sex for good grades, but when they bravely report this, justice is often hard to achieve. Sextortion in which sex, rather than money, is the currency of the bribe is not yet legally recognized as a form of corruption most universities in Zimbabwe do not have a clear policy for identifying and addressing such cases. There is no legal framework that recognizes sextortion as a form of corruption, and the police also have a limited understanding of it.

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