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  • Newspaper

    First investigation by education Sexual Abuse Task Force

    Korea R


    Aimee Chung - University World News

    South Korea’s education ministry and Seoul police have begun an investigation into a college in the capital last week following a petition by dozens of students revealing sexual misconduct against female students and violence against male students. It is the first investigation by the education ministry’s Sexual Abuse Task Force, which was launched in February.
    According to the executive director of a nationwide union for postgraduate students "Professors wield too much authority over their students. It is difficult to change or confront the student's supervising professor as they have influence over the student's thesis and their eligibility for scholarships as well as assistant jobs."

  • Newspaper

    Ewha University role scrutinised by corruption hearing

    Korea R


    Aimee Chung - University World News

    South Korea’s National Assembly last week focused on the role of the prestigious Ewha Womans University as part of its fourth round of hearings into an influence peddling scandal surrounding embattled South Korean President. Since early December the assembly has held four rounds of hearings, to gather evidence on whether the presidents close confidante used her friendship to influence policy and wrongly secure millions of dollars in funding for her foundations from South Korean conglomerates.

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