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1-10 of 118 results

  • Newspaper

    How unapproved textbooks sneak into Nigeria’s education system



    - City Mirror

    The certification of textbooks by the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERD) costs N300 per page, and four copies must be submitted for assessment, which occurs irregularly and can take months or years. While NERDC approval grants access to Federal Government schools, getting state-level approval requires further steps across Nigeria's 36 states. Despite these procedures, unapproved textbooks lacking ISBN numbers infiltrate schools through corruption, bypassing regulations. Efforts to tackle piracy and enforce the use of approved books remain ongoing and vital for the education system's integrity.

  • Newspaper

    DepEd urged to ‘take accountability’ on laptop corruption issue



    Merlina Hernando-Malipot - Manila Bulletin

    The Department of Education (DepEd) was asked to take accountability and corruption cases that led to the alleged fire sale of laptops in retail and online stores. The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Philippines said that DepEd failed to pay its contractor in the handling and distribution of billions of pesos worth of laptops to public schools which caused the subcontractors to sell the items to surplus shops to recover their investments. ACT called for a comprehensive report on how DepEd used its funds as well as a concrete plan on how public funds can be recovered, and projects still be realized.

  • Newspaper

    Eighty-one students in anthropology class referred to executive committee for academic dishonesty



    Eric Krebs - Yale News

    An anthropology professor at Yale College reported to the University’s Executive Committee that 81 out of 136 total students for inappropriate use of online and course materials during online open-note examinations. In 2020, the Executive Committee reprimanded 49 out of 78 students, 10 were placed on probation, five were suspended and 14 were found not responsible or had their charges withdrawn.

  • Newspaper

    Delhi University's college of vocational studies under scrutiny for financial discrepancies



    - India Today

    An audit has been launched last November to investigate alleged corruption in all accounts at Delhi University’s college. 180 books purchased for a lakh never reached the college. The principal misused his position and engaged in various irregularities, including UGC examinations.

  • Newspaper

    Textbooks’ embezzlement



    - Dawn

    An official of the Basic Education Community Schools from South Punjab was caught selling around 3,500 textbooks. He also blackmailed teachers in Pakpattan and Okara into paying him between Rs1,000-Rs1,500 for the delivery of books to the education warehouse. Reports state teachers complained several times to relevant education authorities but received no response.

  • ETICO: Corruption in education stops here


    Tackling corruption in education is essential to reaching equitable and inclusive quality education for all. IIEP-UNESCO is unveiling a new version of ETICO, the online platform to support educational policy-makers and planners with identifying and overcoming corruption in the sector. The site features everything from guidelines, interactive tools, training materials, to a blog featuring the latest ideas from the global anti-corruption community.

  • Newspaper

    R59 million schoolbooks fraud: EC education officials given trial date

    South Africa


    Siseko Gwegwe - The South African

    Four Eastern Cape Department of Education officials and a businessman are facing charges of corruption, fraud, theft, and contravention of the Public Finance Management Act for R59 million meant for schoolbooks. Under the pretence that schools were adequately resourced with textbooks, they decided without permission from the National Treasury to shift and use 80% of the budget for the procurement of supplementary resource material, mainly IT equipment and photocopiers.

  • Open contracting: an illustrative form of open government in education

    As part of its research project on ‘Open government (OG) in education: Learning from experience’, the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) has prepared five thematic briefs illustrating various forms of OG as applied to the...

    Poisson, Muriel

    Paris, IIEP-UNESCO, 2021

  • Newspaper

    Senior Eastern Cape education officials arrested for fraud

    South Africa


    Sihle Mlambo - IOL

    Four former senior officials from the Eastern Cape Department of Education and a company director have been arrested on corruption charges involving the purchase of textbooks for students. The senior education official bypassed the department's supply chain process by obtaining a Supplementary Resource Material (SRM) agreement that was not required. Reports allege that the official received a bribe in the form of two laptops and a mobile phone from the company that received the R59 million for the SRM material.

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