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1-10 of 83 results

  • How civil society uses digital tools to increase accountability in education


    This article was first published by the Global Partnership for Education in the Education for all blog. From basic mobile applications to sophisticated data analytics platforms, online crowdsourcing, georeferencing and chatbots, organizations supported by GPE Education Out Loud are using technologies to bridge the gap between governments and civil society, creating new channels for interaction and oversight.

  • Empowering civil society to fight against corruption in education


    Improving transparency and accountability are crucial measures in the fight against corruption. For the education sector, this is no exception as corruption can impede access and undermine equity and quality. However, several tools exist to help education stakeholders, including civil society actors, take steps to hold service providers accountable and improve education service oversight and delivery.

  • Newspaper

    Fake academic papers are on the rise: Why they’re a danger and how to stop them

    South Africa


    Lex Bouter - The Conversation

    In an analysis carried out jointly by the Publications Ethics Committee and the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, over half of the 3,440 articles submitted over a two-year period were found to be fake. Open science practices, such as pre-registration of study plans and registered reports could promote transparency and accountability. Recognizing the importance of peer review and rewarding reviewers can also strengthen academic integrity and reduce the proliferation of suspect articles.

  • Newspaper

    New health research bill might address funding, data issues



    Clemence Manyukwe - Univeristy World News

    Zimbabwe is in the process of developing new medical research legislation aimed at modernizing its approach to health research. This initiative seeks to address concerns such as outdated laws, lack of data transparency, and dependence on foreign funding. By fostering local research initiatives and collaborations between academia and industry, Zimbabwe aims to enhance its capacity for medical research and innovation, aligning with national priorities and advancing towards its Vision 2030 goals.

  • Newspaper

    Paying school fees through e-citizen will curb corruption



    Moses Kinyanjui - Citizen Digital

    The former Secretary General of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has welcomed the Ministry of Education's decision to ask parents to pay school fees for students in national schools via the e-Citizen platform. This new government initiative aims to improve service delivery, bring transparency and protect both students and parents. However, some are expressing concern about the practical challenges and the country's state of readiness for such a digital transition

  • From inception to innovation: a two-decade journey in battling corruption in education


    This article was first published on the IIEP-UNESCO website.

  • Newspaper

    Big data research poses new challenges to ethics committees

    South Africa


    Nezerith Cengiz, Siti Kabanda, Tonya Esterhuizen and Keymanthri Moodley - University World News

    A new study highlights the necessity of training Research Ethics Committees (RECs) in Sub-Saharan Africa to manage the ethical and legal complexities inherent in data-intense research, particularly concerning data protection and sharing. Findings reveal a lack of awareness among REC members regarding existing laws at the national level, possibly resulting in research data crossing borders without appropriate agreements or permits. Establishing transparent and standardized data governance could foster shared ethical values and ensure responsible big data research practices across the subcontinent.

  • Newspaper

    Protest over lack of transparency in scholarships process



    Wagdy Sawahel - University World News

    Students protested in front of the Mauritanian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for concerns over transparency in awarding foreign scholarships. A wide range of medical and baccalaureate students were excluded while 90 out of 200 scholarships offered by the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation have been retained. The lack of transparency in scholarship distribution aligns with broader corruption problems seen in African higher education systems, including nepotism and favoritism.

  • Newspaper

    Study calls for charter for the ethical use of AI in HE



    Wagdy Sawahe - University World News

    A study emphasizes the need for AI ethical charters in academic settings, aiming to ensure responsible and fair AI applications across research, teaching, and learning domains. Key voices highlighted the importance of such charters in promoting responsible AI use, transparency, accountability, and the mitigation of biases or ethical concerns. However, some academics underscored that implementing a charter alone might not suffice, emphasizing the need to integrate ethical values into foundational teaching.

  • Civil society: A key voice in tackling corruption in education


    When education is free of corruption, and a strong culture of transparency and accountability prevails, doors can open for millions of children and youth worldwide. They can access their right to quality education. To accelerate, how can the education sector join forces with civil society organizations? Education Out Loud grantees from Tanzania, Cambodia, and Zimbabwe explain how.

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