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1-10 of 162 results

  • Newspaper

    Parcoursup : the Human Rights Defender wants the university's sorting criteria to be published



    Wally Bordas - Le Figaro étudiant

    Despite the many requests from different organizations, universities keep secret their criteria for sorting each training course. The Human Rights Defender believes that the request of many trade unions for more transparency in the Parcoursup procedure will not undermine the "principles of the jury's sovereignty and the secrecy of its deliberations". He also recommends that the Minister of Higher Education make sure that candidates have all the information they need regarding the way their application is being processed.

  • Newspaper

    Govt wants Kea to make university hiring scam-free



    Kumaran P - Bangalore Post

    After reports of corruption in the process of recruitments to its universities, the Higher Education Department plans to hand over tasks of screening candidates and issuing appointment orders to the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA). According to an official, “one university had given a written exam in a sheet of paper that was handwritten and with nonsensical questions’’.

  • Newspaper

    Sindh University students boycott classes in protest against corruption



    PPI - Pakistan Today

    The students of Information Technology, Arts and English departments boycotted the classes against non-provision of facilities and denounced abuse of powers. They alleged that the university administration was involved in embezzling funds allocated for the student facilities. They appealed to Sindh Governor, National Accountability Bureau chief Justice, and Sindh Chief Minister to take notice of the issue and help them for the provision of required facilities.

  • Newspaper

    UK universities must break their silence around harassment and bullying



    David Batt - The Guardian

    Secretive clauses are being used to conceal the extent of harassment and bullying at higher education institutions. Dozens of academics told BBC News they were “harassed” out of their jobs and forced to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) by their university after making complaints. British universities have spent about £87 million on bribes to staff members who come with “gagging orders” the past two years. This highlights a broader lack of transparency in the way universities deal with all kinds of misconduct and discrimination.

  • Newspaper

    What can universities do to stop students cheating?


    Elena Denisova - University World News

    Cheating among students has reached unprecedented levels worldwide from academic misconduct among Britain's Russell Group universities from 2014 to 2017; ongoing cheating among student-athletes to enter or to stay at universities in the United States; unauthorized exam assignment sharing in Switzerland; contract cheating in Australia to plagiarism in many Eastern European countries. If universities just declare their integrity but do not practice it, they might not be able to expect it from students.

  • Newspaper

    Predatory journals in the firing line

    South Africa


    Edwin Naidu - University World News

    The Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science, and Technology (CREST) at Stellenbosch University conducted a study on the quality of South Africa’s research publications, which includes predatory publishing. 4,246 South African papers published in 48 journals were found to be predatory. Several studies suggest that some academics are falling into predatory publication traps due to the pressure to publish, get more grants and boost their academic reputation.

  • Newspaper

    How Chinese universities are tackling plagiarism and is it working?



    Mandy Zuo - South China Morning Post

    The Hunan University of Technology in central China introduced a new free tool to limit plagiarism on campuses. Students could check their final dissertation with an online database to see how much of each paper’s content is copied from existing publications. A former director of the People’s Liberation Army’s Institute for Disease Control and Prevention plagiarised the work of another Ph.D. student in his final thesis. He was stripped of his doctorate after being found guilty of cheating 12 years after receiving.

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism – what can curb the scourge?



    Tunde Fatunde - University World News

    According to a professor from the National Universities Commission, 60% of essays by final-year undergraduates contained plagiarism, at masters’ level it was between 15-20% and at PhD level about 8% contained plagiarism. The vice-chancellor of Delta State University announced that in an attempt to instill academic discipline and honesty, the institution had sanctioned more than 15 lecturers for various forms of publication-related plagiarism. According to a source at the university, such sanctions involved demotions and no promotions for periods between three and five years.

  • Newspaper

    More cheating cases at University of Auckland, union warns of ghost-writing threat

    New Zealand


    John Weeks - Staff

    The number of students disciplined for academic misconduct at the University of Auckland rose to 195 last year, from 187 the year before. Cheating incidents reported have highlighted concerns about the reuse of assignments and the fact that ghostwriters undermine school integrity. According to the Tertiary Education Union president, university bosses should support teaching staff to implement the best anti-cheating measures such as changing assignments frequently and requiring students to submit their work through detection service Turnitin.

  • Newspaper

    Embattled Russian higher education commission refuses to hear report on falsified dissertations

    Russian Federation


    - Meduza

    The Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) refused to hear the results on academic integrity violations in academic dissertations from the Commission to Combat the Falsification of Scholarly Research, which operates within the Russian Academy of Science (RAN). The head of VAK refused to review a plagiarized dissertation and to let RAN academics into the hearing room. Moreover, VAK excluded academics who have attempted to take a stand against falsified dissertations.

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