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1-10 of 268 results

  • Newspaper

    Compilatio: Use of ChatGPT greatly overestimated by teachers



    Campus matin - Campus matin

    One year after ChatGPT became widely available to the general public, the Le Sphinx Institute conducted a national survey on "AI in education" in partnership with Compilatio, which provides higher education establishments with anti-plagiarism and AI usage detection software. More than 5,600 teachers and students reported on their use of AI and their concerns.

  • Newspaper

    Safeguarding HE integrity needs commitment from all actors



    Villano Qiriazi, Luca Lantero and Chiara Finocchietti - University World News

    The recent ETINED plenary in Paris gathered representatives from 35 European countries to discuss the significance of integrity in higher education. They emphasized the need for ethical principles, transparency, and integrity in education, alongside measures to counter education fraud. The platform shared good practices, including a recommendation on countering education fraud and a forthcoming publication on legal responses and case studies related to education fraud. Discussions covered AI's impact on education, student-centric approaches, and plans for an observatory to combat education fraud.

  • Newspaper

    How to tackle global academic corruption

    UK, Switzerland, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Kenya, USA


    Elena Denisova-Schmidt - University World News

    In the book "Corruption in Higher Education: Global Challenges and Responses," 34 experts shed light on various corruption issues in higher education: contract cheating and outsourcing assignments; ambivalent hiring processes; fake universities that take various forms, from profit-driven schemes to students buying degrees without fulfilling obligations; corruption research involves scholars, administrators, and agencies, united against academic corruption. Future steps include integrity theory development, examining secondary education's impact, leveraging technology, avoiding social group stigmatization, and fostering global cooperation.

  • Video

    Academic integrity: a student perspective on developing skills for success



    - Bournemouth University

    With exams just around the corner, students from Bournemouth University talk about what academic integrity means to them, how using it means they get better marks, how to avoid committing an academic offence and where to get help when they need it.

  • Newspaper

    My students are using AI to cheat. Here’s why it’s a teachable moment



    Siva Vaidhyanathan - The Guardian

    Four students at the University of Virginia have been caught cheating using Artificial Intelligence language tools like ChatGPT to complete their essays. When enrolling, all students pledge to follow an honour code and given that this was the first wave of such cheating, the University made this moment work toward the goal of learning. The students confessed to using such systems and agreed to rewrite the assignments themselves.

  • Newspaper

    Bristol University student creates app to stop cheats using essay bot



    Nathan Heath & PA Media - BBC News

    A student developed his own artificial intelligence (AI) app to stop cheating using essay-writing bots. After a project on his university course asked him to integrate AI with education, he felt the need to create the software start-up AIED.UK to prevent inequality in academic settings. The student thinks of AIED.UK as a "transitional phase" to prevent cheating whilst universities adapt to new technologies.

  • Newspaper

    Oxford and Cambridge ban ChatGPT over plagiarism fears



    iNews - University World News

    The United Kingdom’s top universities are split over how to respond to ChatGPT, with Oxford and Cambridge among those banning the technology over plagiarism fears, while others have opted to embrace it. 8 out of 24 of the elite Russell Group universities have informed students that using the AI bot for assignments will count as academic misconduct. Dozens of other universities across the country are reviewing their plagiarism policies in time for this year’s assessments.

  • Newspaper

    ChatGPT: a new relationship between humans and machines

    USA, France, Denmark


    Thomas E Jørgensen - University World News

    Questions about using artificial intelligence go further than cheating on exams or generating text for scientific articles. They concern academic values the integrity of academic work, but also the exploration of the changing relationship between humans and machines. A recent statement by the European University Association, ChatGPT raises issues for universities in terms of updating policies to accommodate such tools while preserving recognition of course work and authentic assessment.

  • Newspaper

    Sciences Po bans ChatGPT amid HE quality, integrity fears



    Karen MacGregor - University World News

    To ensure academic integrity and prevent plagiarism, the Paris Institute of Political Studies has banned the use of ChatGPT, the new chatbot capable of instantly writing essays. Without transparent referencing, students are forbidden to use the software for any written work or presentations, except for specific course purposes. The sanctions for use of the software may go as far as exclusion from the institution.

  • Newspaper

    A Conversation on artificial intelligence, chatbots, and plagiarism in higher education



    Michaela R.King - Springer link

    Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is designed to be highly intelligent and intuitive, with the ability to understand and respond to complex requests in a way that feels natural and human-like. College students could use ChatGPT to cheat on essay writing assignments by feeding the chatbot specific prompts and questions, and then copying and pasting the generated responses into their own papers. This highly unethical practice could have serious consequences, including failing grades and academic penalties.

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