1-10 of 24 results

  • Newspaper

    Science and fraud, guilty connection



    Pierre Le Hir - Le Monde / Direct matin

    The ministry of Higher education and research entrusted to the national Centre of scientific research (CNRS) a mission on scientific integrity. Scientific fraud is varied: biased manufacturing or forgery of results, biased interpretation or selection of data, alteration of curves or images, plagiarism, theft of ideas, financial profit-sharing's ... The increasing pressure which practices on the researchers (among which the career and the credits depend strictly on the quantity of articles and on produced results) tend to multiply the fraudulent practices.

  • Newspaper

    The general inspection questions the value of university degrees



    - La lettre de l'éducation

    According to the report of the general inspection of the administration of the national education and the research (IGAENR), the evaluation of the students at the university is not good. Actually, the fragmentation of the evaluations (due to the transition to the half yearly of the studies connected to the passage in the LMD) and the complexity of rules, return the illegible system for the students. It also entails disparities of treatment; thus universities develop their own rules of evaluation: the faculties with big workforce opt for the multiple choice question paper, faster and easy to organize. Besides, the cheating is another factor that undermine the credibility of the diplomas: according to the questioned students, between 25 and 50 % of the students resort to it.

  • Newspaper

    Audit condemns management at elite Paris institute



    Jane Marshall - University World News

    The financial management of the elite Institute of Political Studies in Paris has been strongly criticized in an official report that found evidence of exorbitant bonuses, absence of controls and waste of public funds. The report revealed a chaotic management that consisted more of "little deals between friends than a serious administration of public funds".

  • Newspaper

    University faces increase in "bogus" student grants



    Pascale Krémer - Le Monde

    According to the President of a University in Perpignan in the department of the Pyrénées-Orientales which has the third highest rate of unemployment in France: "These bogus students have always existed but in the past three years, they are on the increase, partly due to youth unemployment and a lack of financial support for the transition period between school and work ...".

  • Newspaper

    A member of parliament wishes to impose anti-plagiarism software in universities



    Julie-Anne De Queiroz - Le Figaro

    The parliament's representative of French citizens living in Northern Europe, pleads for a systematic use of anti-plagiarism software. "It is a question of equal chances", insists the Deputy when addressing the Ministers of National and Higher Education on this subject.

  • Newspaper

    The General Auditor denounces bad management at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin



    Camille Stromboni - L'étudiant

    The financial crisis at UVSQ (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin), on the edge of default in payment in late 2013, is "essentially the result of the institution's failure to anticipate the consequences of management decisions".

  • Newspaper

    Exams: the number of plagiarists increases



    Marie-Estelle Puech - Le Figaro

    Plagiarism is increasing at the secondary school level, according to the numbers revealed by the Inter-academic Commission of Ile-de-France. Between 2013 and 2014, the number of cases of plagiarism and copying reported to the disciplinary commissions in Ile-de-France doubled, increasing from 24 to 47. They represented last year 25% of the 188 cases of fraud on exams reported to disciplinary commissions.

  • Newspaper

    Cheating on final exams up by 10% in 2014



    - Le Figaro

    A sign of the times, cheating comes down to glancing at your smartphone during an exam, or copy-pasting whole sections of texts found on the Internet. Attempts to cheat on final exams increased by 10% in 2014, when compared to 2013, according to National Education Ministry statistics.

  • Newspaper

    Two law students who hand in similar exams are in police custody



    - L'Express éducation

    It was the Director of the University of Law in Le Havre who drew this violation to the attention of the Public Prosecutor. Cheating on an exam is punished by a maximum sentence of 3 years imprisonment and a fine of 9000 Euros.

  • Newspaper

    A case of plagiarism troubles the direction of the school of journalism Science Po



    Isabelle Rey-Lefebvre - Le Monde

    The executive Director of the School of Journalism, Sciences Po, is accused of copying/pasting extracts of articles in her chronicles on the Huffington Post, without quoting her sources. The Director of the School of journalism wrote to both students and staff stating that: "the school, that teaches deontology, cannot take lightly such affairs".

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