1-10 of 14 results

  • Newspaper

    Researcher admits faking data



    Doug Payne - The Scientist

    A well-known obesity researcher will plead guilty to making material false statements in a 1999 grant application worth $542,000 from the US National Institutes of Health. The researcher, who held various research positions at the University of Vermont (UVM) College of Medicine in Burlington could go to jail for up to 5 years.

  • Newspaper

    Training for scholarly integrity



    Stuart Heiser - University World News

    This was the second annual Strategic Leaders Global Summit sponsored by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS). Last year's meeting in Banff in Canada resulted in the "Banff Principles" to broadly guide international collaboration in graduate education; this year's summit focused on "best practices" specific to promoting scholarly integrity. Leaders in higher education agreed on issues and actions that have to lead to strengthen scholarly integrity because of the growing globalization of graduate education and research, and discussed on "best practices" to promote scholarly integrity.

  • Newspaper

    Wikipedia tops list of plagiarized sources



    David Nagel - Campus Technology

    The study "Plagiarism and the Web" analyzed more than 33.5 million papers submitted to the Turnitin service from June 2010 to June 2011. In those papers, iParadigms' researchers found 128 million "content matches" from a wide variety of Web sources.

  • Newspaper

    Turnitin debunks myths surrounding plagiarism on the web



    - Turnitin.com

    iParadigms, creators of Turnitin and the leader in originality checking and plagiarism prevention, today announced the results of a new plagiarism study which shows that social and user-generated web sites are the most popular resources for student copying, followed by academic and homework-related sites

  • Newspaper

    China vs. America – Quality, plagiarism and propaganda

    China, USA


    John Richard Schrock - University World News

    In this article, Dr John Richard Schrock, who teaches at Emporia State University in Kansas, explains the vast differences between research, citation and teaching styles in Chinese and American university students, citing cultural and education gaps for instances of plagiarism.

  • Newspaper

    Case of two KU scientists illustrates growing problem of research fraud



    Alan Bavely - The Kansas City Star

    In the technical world of bio-informatics, two University of Kansas computer scientists were riding high in 2009 having published three articles with an international audience. Portions of all three of their articles had been lifted from other scientists' work. The entire summarizing statement in their presentation had come from someone else's journal article.

  • Newspaper

    Sharp rise in Brazilian paper retractions



    Rodrigo de Oliveira Andrade - SciDev.net

    Cases of scientific malpractice in Brazil increased significantly between 2009 and 2012, according to a study looking at article retraction in scientific journals. The paper looked at retracted research articles in two major Latin American and Caribbean databases. Out of 2,000 articles from around the world published in the databases between 2009 and 2014, 31 were later pulled back, including 25 articles from Brazil. The study, published in Science and Engineering Ethics, says that this could threaten the country’s growing popularity as a research partner.

  • Newspaper

    Universities need balance in accepting corporate money



    Simona Chiose - The Globe and Mail

    More Canadian institutions will face controversy over the influence of donors on programmes if they do not rethink their relationship with private funders, warn academics who have studied the relationship between donations and educational institutions. This is following a string of cases over the past decade that have led academics across the country to criticize postsecondary institutions that appear to be willing to share control over their research agenda with private donors.

  • Newspaper

    Former Iowa State University Scientist sentenced to over 4 Years for Faking HIV vaccine results



    Vishakha Sonawane - International Business Times

    A former Iowa State University researcher who fabricated the results of an experimental HIV vaccine was sentenced to four years and nine months in prison recently. He was also ordered to pay US$7.2 million to the US National Institutes of Health that funded the research.

  • Newspaper

    An admissions scandal shows how administrators’ ethics ‘fade’



    Peter Schmidt - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    A doctoral student in higher education at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, conducted a sociological research about corruption in higher education. Based on his examination of the 2009 Illinois admissions scandal, which centered on the university’s use of a separate, hidden admissions process to ease the entry of applicants with ties to politicians, donors, and university officials, his paper concludes that administrative misconduct frequently is "an organizational problem that demands organizational solutions."

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