1-2 of 2 results

  • New IIEP online course on corruption in education


    September 2020 marked the launch of the IIEP-UNESCO online course on ‘Transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education’. Building on IIEP’s research and training activities in the area of corruption in education, this new course aims to bring together different education stakeholders to learn and exchange on practices of corruption, and strategies to address them in different education domains. This online course is organized as part of the Institute’s programme on Ethics and Corruption in Education.

  • Mapas sectoriales de riesgos de corrupción: sector Educación

    En la primera parte de este documento se hace una descripción metodológica del ejercicio que funciona como guía para la lectura de los mapas de riesgos sectoriales de corrupción, seguidamente se presentan los mapas de riesgos de corrupción para los...

    Departamento Administrativo de la Presidencia de la República (Colombia), Secretaría de Transparencia (Colombia), UNDP

    Bogotá, DAPRE, 2014

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