1-10 of 35 results

  • Empowering civil society to fight against corruption in education


    Improving transparency and accountability are crucial measures in the fight against corruption. For the education sector, this is no exception as corruption can impede access and undermine equity and quality. However, several tools exist to help education stakeholders, including civil society actors, take steps to hold service providers accountable and improve education service oversight and delivery.

  • Newspaper

    Fake academic papers are on the rise: Why they’re a danger and how to stop them

    South Africa


    Lex Bouter - The Conversation

    In an analysis carried out jointly by the Publications Ethics Committee and the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, over half of the 3,440 articles submitted over a two-year period were found to be fake. Open science practices, such as pre-registration of study plans and registered reports could promote transparency and accountability. Recognizing the importance of peer review and rewarding reviewers can also strengthen academic integrity and reduce the proliferation of suspect articles.

  • Newspaper

    Measuring HE ethics: An inclusive new ranking is launched

    Switzerland, Nigeria, China, USA, Cape Verde


    Nic Mitchell - University World News

    The new Globethics.net University Ranking (GUR) will provide a unique global ranking instrument that places values, ethics, and sustainability as central principles of higher education institutions worldwide. It encompasses a new higher education framework to assess student learning experience, and key stakeholders on integrity, values-driven leadership, and sustainability commitment. Universidad de Santiago, a private institution in Cape Verde, received the highest overall score and gained the best marks for student sustainability and integrity.

  • Conference on promoting academic integrity: IIEP shares practical policies and tools


    IIEP contributed to a conference organized by the Council of Europe and Erasmus University in Rotterdam, sharing its insights on how values of academic integrity can be translated into practice.

  • Newspaper

    Half of researchers admit questionable practices in Dutch survey



    Nic Mitchell - University World News

    In a national survey on research integrity by Dutch academics, 40,000 researchers, from PhD students to full professors, admitted to committing at least one of the 11 questionable research practices. One in 12 researchers is estimated to have fabricated or falsified research results in the last three years. According to a postdoctoral researcher and lead investigator of the survey, findings are already being discussed with policymakers in universities and medical centres in the Netherlands.

  • Newspaper

    The plague of plagiarism



    The Huntingtonian - The Huntingtonian

    A study by The Center for Academic Integrity reveals that 80% of college students today admit to having cheated in some way at least once. To track down plagiarism in students’ work, professors use online plagiarism scanning tools, like Turnitin. At Huntington University, punishment for students who commit plagiarism varies by the professor, ranging from failure of the assignment plagiarized to the entire course. However, 7 out of 10 students questioned the accuracy of tools like Turnitin stating that professors should do backup checks before grading.

  • Mapping corruption risks in the Guinean education sector


    A new IIEP report presents the main findings of a corruption risk mapping exercise in the Guinean education sector, carried out by the IIEP at the request of the National Anti-Corruption Agency (ANLC) of the Republic of Guinea.

  • Webinar on the fight against corruption in education in Uzbekistan


    On February 17, as part of the Avloniy Webinar Series, IIEP Programme Specialist, Ms Muriel Poisson was invited to facilitate a webinar on corruption mitigation in the Uzbek education system. It was attended by over 230 school principals, teachers, administrative staff and other education stakeholders from around the country.

  • Academic integrity: national principles and lexicon of common terms

    The purpose of these Principles and Lexicon is to provide support for institutions in developing their approach to academic integrity, and to enable the use of a common terminology when talking or writing about academic integrity in the context of...

    Dublin, Quality and Qualifications Ireland, QQI, 2021

  • Academic integrity guidelines

    The Network has produced these Guidelines to support the sector to collectively define and understand academic integrity; what it means within a higher education institution; what challenges it raises; and to implement a robust approach to preventing...

    Dublin, Quality and Qualifications Ireland, QQI, 2021

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