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1-10 of 61 results

  • Newspaper

    Istanbul University student faces discipline for AI-assisted exam cheating, stirs controversy



    Safak Costu - BNN

    A senior law student at Istanbul Bilgi University faced disciplinary action for allegedly using AI, ChatGPT to cheat on an exam. The student’s legal battle ended in suspension, causing financial and emotional distress. The case highlights the challenges of AI in maintaining academic integrity and the need for clearer policies.

  • Newspaper

    The software says my student cheated using AI. They say they’re innocent. Who do I believe?



    Robert Topinka - The Guardian

    As the excitement around ChatGPT soared in spring 2023, concerns arose among educators about students potentially relying too much on AI for their assignments. Universities responded by implementing AI detection software, like Turnitin, to identify AI-generated content. However, this led to dilemmas for instructors, particularly when a talented student's essay was flagged as "100% AI-generated." The student claimed innocence, citing the use of university-approved software for grammar and spelling checks, which included limited generative AI capabilities.

  • Newspaper

    Plagiarism is not always easy to define or detect



    Roger J. Kreuz - The Conversation

    Students can utilize chatbots like ChatGPT to generate text, with nearly 90% admitting to doing so in one survey. However, this form of plagiarism, known as ghostwriting, is becoming more detectable as Artificial Intelligence-powered tools like Turnitin and iThenticate improve their ability to identify copied content. Some students attempt to evade detection by using text-spinning programs to paraphrase plagiarized material, but this has led to an ongoing "arms race" between cheaters and detection methods.

  • Broadening horizons: AI beyond plagiarism

    Horia Onița, Iris Kimizoglu, Tamara Ciobanu


  • Newspaper

    Students must share responsibility for online exam integrity



    Gilbert Nakweya - University World News

    At a webinar organized by the University of Nairobi, a professor of curriculum and instruction at Texas Tech University challenged university faculty members to adopt innovative online assessment techniques that limit student cheating and implement academic integrity policies. Cheating can be limited by disabling certain functions, such as copy and paste, and by using software to prohibit access to certain applications, such as email, or to disable screen sharing. Systems whereby teachers are alerted when students attempt to cheat, and authentication can also help curb risks.

  • Newspaper

    My students are using AI to cheat. Here’s why it’s a teachable moment



    Siva Vaidhyanathan - The Guardian

    Four students at the University of Virginia have been caught cheating using Artificial Intelligence language tools like ChatGPT to complete their essays. When enrolling, all students pledge to follow an honour code and given that this was the first wave of such cheating, the University made this moment work toward the goal of learning. The students confessed to using such systems and agreed to rewrite the assignments themselves.

  • Newspaper

    NextEd uses Turnitin to fight plagiarism



    Staff Writer - ITWire

    Internet-based plagiarism detection service provider Turnitin is helping private education organisation NextEd to combat actual and potential academic misconduct including the detection of AI writing tools like ChatGPT—across a cohort of 15,000 domestic and international students. Since implementing Turnitin, NextEd has seen a noticeable increase in levels of understanding of academic integrity, improvements in researching and referencing, a rise in literacy skills, and a dramatic reduction in cases of plagiarism—from 140 to less than 20 cases per year, a drop of more than 85%.

  • Newspaper

    Students caught cheating with ChatGPT offered amnesty for confession



    Virginia Fallon - Staff

    20 Massey University students allegedly caught using ChatGPT to cheat have claimed amnesty in exchange for their confessions. The teaching team offered an amnesty deadline and those who resubmitted their work would receive a maximum mark of 50%. For those who didn’t, a confirmed breach can result in a mark of zero for the assessment or a failure for the whole course.

  • Newspaper

    COVID-19 hit examination integrity and research hard

    Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania UR, Uganda


    Wachira Kigotho - University World News

    According to a survey conducted by Education Sub-Saharan Africa (ESSA), most universities in East Africa struggled to uphold the integrity of examinations that were administered online during the COVID-19 pandemic. The lead investigator at ESSA reports that students used materials prohibited during the examinations or breached university examination policies. Uganda and Kenya had the highest number of universities that struggled, at 31% and 27%, respectively.

  • Newspaper

    Bristol University student creates app to stop cheats using essay bot



    Nathan Heath & PA Media - BBC News

    A student developed his own artificial intelligence (AI) app to stop cheating using essay-writing bots. After a project on his university course asked him to integrate AI with education, he felt the need to create the software start-up AIED.UK to prevent inequality in academic settings. The student thinks of AIED.UK as a "transitional phase" to prevent cheating whilst universities adapt to new technologies.

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