Silenced, expelled, imprisoned: repression of students and academics in Iran

Author(s) : Amnesty International

Organization : Amnesty International

Imprint : Amnesty International Ltd, 2014

Collation :

118 p.

This report is based on research that Amnesty International conducted using a wide range of private and public sources. This included in-depth interviews with more than 50 individuals, both women and men, with direct knowledge of Iran's universities and system of higher education, including former students and academic teaching staff. Amnesty International has not been permitted to visit Iran for fact-finding and research on the country since shortly after the 1979 Islamic Revolution and thus was unable to investigate conditions at Iran's universities first hand. However, its interviewees included students and teaching staff who had recently attended or been employed at Iranian universities before fleeing Iran and seeking asylum in Turkey and other countries.

  • Educational management, Governance, Non-governemental organizations, Research, Students, University staff, Higher education
  • Asia and the Pacific
    Iran, Islamic Republic